Random Tables PDFs for Dungeons and Fantasy Underground
Fantasy Dungeon PDF Guides Caves

Random Tables PDFs for Dungeons and Fantasy Underground

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at pdf and book titles for Fantasy Dungeons on Drive Thru RPG.

PDF Guides - all | any fantasy | adventurers | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

[Photo by Shapelined on Unsplash]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Dungeons are where it all started for rpgs with dungeon delving being the focus of early Dungeons and Dragons.

They still form a large part of many games, from ruined dwarven cities to haunted mines, fungi filled caves and sprawling tomb complexes.

Also of interest will be the Random Tools Guide for Dungeons. And just as important is a Guide to Dungeon Map Generators. Finally for more PDF titles try Random Table Titles for Fantasy.

Dec 2023: Added more titles.

Major Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

GM's Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing (System Neutral Edition) Book of Random Tables: Dungeons Castle Oldskull - The Classic Dungeon Design Guide Dungeon Bundle 1 The Deluxe Dungeon Ambiance & Encounter Bundle The Dungeon Alphabet

Solo Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Solo gaming for tabletop rpgs has become popular in recent years, and here are titles specifically for solo. There is also a full guide of solo titles.

  • Ironsworn: Delve from Shawn Tomkin is an expansion for Ironsworn (popular RPG for solo, built for solo). Dungeons and other dangerous adventure locations.
  • For a different game, try Delve: A Solo Map Drawing Game from Blackwell Games, which puts you in charge of a dwarven hold discovering the horrors that look below.
  • From Axebane Games is Axebane's Deck of Many Dungeons, a deck of 54 cards, each with a part of a dungeon map and a random table containing treasure, quest ideas or something else.
  • The Last Fighter#1 - The Tomb of Radus from Doppelganger Publishing is a complete solo game with map, monsters and treasures. They also have a whole category for Dungeons Solo titles.
  • For an in-depth solo dungeon RPG try D100 Dungeon by Martin Knight, with rules for chargen, combat, quests, downtime and dungeon tables to populate everything.
  • Four Against Darkness from Ganesha Games is a solitaire dungeon-delving game where you control a party of four adventurers.

Ironsword: Delve Delve: A Solo Map Drawing Game Axebane's Deck of Many Dungeons The Last Fighter #1 - The Tomb of Radux D100 Dungeon Four Against Darkness

Free and Pay What You Want Options

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

If you like pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

100 Spooky Yet Mundane Dungeon Encounters Dungeon Room Generator d100 Dungeon (Book 1) Loot and Fortune Dungeon Cards Core set #1 - The Secret Hideout Business Card Dungeon

Smaller Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild 100 Dungeon Myths, Legends and Rumours Catacombs Generator Random Dungeon Room Generator 100 Dungeon Corpses D100 Dungeon Hooks, Fantasy RPG Encounter Ideas

Cave and Cavern Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Caves and caverns are usually naturally occurring, from movements in the rocks, underground rivers or other erosion. Many other titles are relevant, but these are specific to caves.

Cave Generator Perils of the Endless Megadungeon - Series 2 Caverns Just Add Dice: Random Cave Designer 100 Caves and Shelters to Find in the Wilderness Encounters by Environment - Caves Jon Hodgson Map Tiles - Cavern Tiles No Grid

Dungeon Maps

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Digital and physical random dungeon map options.

Dungeon Builder's Deck Perils of the Endless Megadungeon - Series 1 Dungeons Dungeon Tiles: DM Essentials DungeonMorphs: Adventurer, Explorer and Spellunker

Other Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | | caves | maps | other

Things that don't fit in the other categories.

Sidequest Decks: Dungeons, Caves and Ruins Universal Adventures Dungeon Deck 50 Random Dungeon Encounters Amazing Dungeons Card Set

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

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