Random Table PDFs for Fantasy City Environments
Fantasy City PDF Guides

Random Table PDFs for Fantasy City Environments

Duncan Thomson

A look at pdf and book titles for Fantasy Cities on Drive Thru RPG, with sections for solo and underworld

PDF Guides - all | any fantasy | adventurers | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

[Image created from Medieval Fantasy City Generator]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

Fantasy Cities can look quite different, from typical King's Landing in Game of Thrones to the towers of Minas Tirith, to the sprawl of Ravnica on an entire world. From the spires of the island of Tar Valon to the ever-shifting fashions of Ankh-Morpork.

For some adventurers the city is a place to relax, resupply and network. To others it is the heart of their adventures. Temple politics, gang wars, dangers in the sewers, disappearances in the slums, fires in the noble quarter and whispers in the backstreets...

For a non-random title with information about cities there is City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities from Skirmisher Publishing (240 pages and not cheap).

Also of interest will be the Random Tools Guide for Fantasy Cities. Finally for more PDF titles try Random Table Titles for Fantasy.

Mar 2024: Added sections for solo titles and underworld.

Major Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

Spectacular Settlements Remarkable Shops & Their Wares Fantasy City Sites and Scenes GM's Miscellany: Urban Dressing (System Neutral Edition) Town Tables - The Games Master's Town Builder Handbook City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities

Solo Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

Titles suitable for solo play in fantasy cities

Sidequest Decks: Political and Urban Fantasy Deck of Rumors - d100 City Hooks Concept Cards - Urban Locations The Dark Mansion Map Cards

Free and Pay What You Want Options

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

If you like free pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

100 Town and City Names 1001 Encounter Generator - Rough Urban Fantasy Warehouse - d100 Town and City Builder The Transient Bazaar Jon Hodgson Maps - Building Pack 1

Smaller Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

1d100 Plus Town Events 100 City Encounters & Adventure Hooks for all fantasy RPGs 100 Fantasy City Rumours and Mysteries 100 Low Fantasy Merchants 100 Rumours to Hear in a Town or Village Tables of Everyday Items

Underworld and Crime Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

For titles of crime, cults and the city underworld try...

Dark Cities - 100+ Scenarios for Urban Adventures The Book of Thieves 100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild 1d100 Plus Underworld Events 100 Secret Societies

Other Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | underworld | other

Things that don't fit in the other categories.

City Modular Map Tools Tables of Everyday Items Castle Oldskull - City State Encounters Campaign Builder: Cities and Towns Backstreet Tiles - Plain Fantasy City - Random Generator Collection

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.