Random Table PDFs for Fantasy Sea Environments
PDF Guides Fantasy Sea Coastal

Random Table PDFs for Fantasy Sea Environments

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at pdf and book titles for Fantasy Seas on Drive Thru RPG.

PDF Guides - all | any fantasy | adventurers | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

[Photo by Pawel Nolbert on Unsplash]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

The Fantasy Seas, home to pirates, kraken, underwater cities and a variety of magical fish. Plus seagulls, shells, seaweed, shipwrecks and many other words beginning with S.

Players love to have a ship or other way to get around the waters to explore coves, wrecks, islands and new shores.

Also of interest will be the Random Tools Guide for Sea, Ships and Pirates. Finally for more PDF titles try Random Table Titles for Fantasy.

Updates: Feb 2024, added more titles

Major Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

Some PDFs are much larger and comprehensive.

Campaign Backdrops: Seas and Oceans Grinning Skull's High Sea Bundle Ocean's Call - 100+ scenarios for water adventures! Pirate's Treasure Bundle The Book of Random Tables: Pirates

Solo Titles

ttitles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

For Fantasy solo games at sea with ship or a lone character, there's...

Gamesmaster's Apprentice: Age of Sail Daydreamer Solo RPG - Pirates of Low Waters Sidequest Decks: High Seas, Pirates, & Ports

Free and Pay What You Want Options

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

If you like pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

100 Ship Names & 50 Pirate Ship Names Seafaring Encounters Pirate Ship Name Generator Infinite Archipelago d100 Encounters at Sea 100 Bottles in the Sea

Smaller Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

Urban Dressing: Port Town One Hundred Plus Sailing Events 100 Fantasy Islands to Encounter Encounters by Environment - Islands 100 Inhabitants Of A Naughty Sea Side Tavern Fantasy Underwater Encounters - One Page Tables

Other Titles

titles - major | solo | free & pwyw | smaller | other

Things that don't fit in the other categories.

Tropical Islands - Map-Tile Set Tropical Islands - Map-Tile Set Equipment Maker 8 - Ships Just Add Dice - 100 Ship Cargoes The Aquatic Explorers Handbook - An Extensive Compendium of 150 Fantasy Fish from Cold Ocean, Warm Ocean, Temperate Ocean, and Freshwater Environments Water Tiles without Grid

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.