Random Tables PDFs for Wilderness Adventures in Fantasy (updated)
PDF Guides Fantasy Wilds Solo RPGs

Random Tables PDFs for Wilderness Adventures in Fantasy (updated)

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at pdf and book titles for Wilderness on Drive Thru RPG.

PDF Guides - all | any fantasy | adventurers | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

[Photo by Shapelined on Unsplash]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

The wilderness is a classic part or roleplaying games, with long journeys through forest paths and mountain trails.

But they can also be the adventure, with swamp hexcrawls, hostile deserts and ruins in the jungle.

They are home to all manner of beasts and monsters, from giant bears and werewolves to swamp drakes and frost giants.

Also of interest will be the Random Tools Guide for Wilderness. Finally for more PDF titles try Random Table Titles for Fantasy.

Dec 2023: Added more titles and Hexcrawl section.

All the Wilderness

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

Some titles cover all of the wilderness, or at least a range of it.

Wilderness Travel Events 100 Wilderness Encounters for all fantasy rpgs Outdoor Encounter Cards GM's Miscellany: Wilderness Dressing 100 Foraging Finds

Solo Wilderness Titles

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

For solo games, wilderness can give you all kind of challenges and sprawling adventures. Checkout the hexcrawl section for more options.

Hex Deck Sidequest Decks: Wilderness and Frontier Fantasy 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness

Hexcrawl Generator Titles

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

For solo games, wilderness can give you hexcrawls and sprawling adventures.

Sandbox Generator The old commander goes to Hexcrawl FlexTale Hexcrawl Atlas: Cities & Roads: Western Realm of Aquilae Hex-Worlds & The Domain Cartographer

Wilds Free and Pay What You Want

titles - all wilds | solo | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

If you like pdfs and random tables then there are some options. And where you find one you might find more...

Encounter Generator - Wilderness for Fantasy Items in a Cottage 1D100 100 Botanical Names d30 Natural Potions and Poisons Generator

Forest and Woodland

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

To find more related titles by a particular publisher the "Customers Who Bought This Title also Purchased" bar at the bottom of product description is useful.

100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest Realm of Leaves - 100+ Scenarios for Forest Adventures European Style Forest Generator D100 Forest Encounters & Events D100 Forest Hooks, Fantasy RPG Encounter Ideas The Forest Generator Handbook: Crafting Immersive Forests for RPGs

Jungle and Tropical Titles

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

Hotter climbs means terrain such as tangled jungle, barren deserts, muggy swamps, tropical rainforests and warm mountains.

Encounters by Environment - Jungle 100 Tropical Wilderness Locations 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Jungle Two Bit Tables: Jungle Animal Encounters

Tundra, Arctic and Cold Titles

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

For those times you need to wrap up warm....

Pocket Lands: Frostlands Cinematic Environs - Arctic Lands GM's Miscellany: Cold Wilderness Locations D100 Arctic Encounters & Events Two Bit Tables: Tundra and Arctic Animal

Mountains and Hills Titles

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

Cold highlands, haunted hills, craggy moors and other uplands are popular in fantasy campaigns.

GM's Miscellany: Hills and Mountains Cinematic Environs - Mountains Fantasy Mountain Encounters Jon Hodgson Map Tiles - Mountain Pass Tiles with Grid 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains

Desert and Wasteland

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

For desert, barren terrains and wastelands....

100 Desert Encounters Pocket Lands: Deserts D100 Desert Encounters & Events GM's Miscellany: Desert Cinematic Environms - Desert Wastes Desert Tiles Grid

Plains, Grassland and Steppes

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

For flatter terrains and endless rolling greenery....

100 Encounters for Fantasy Plains Cinematic Enviros - Plains and Grassland Two Bit Tables: Plains and Savanna Animal Encounters Fantasy Plains Encounters

Swamp and Marsh

titles - all wilds | solo | hexcrawl | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

To slosh around in mud with a leaky boat, marsh gas or crocodiles how about some swamp titles!

100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp Campaign Backdrop: Marsh and Swamp Pocket Lands: Marshes Cinematic Environs - Wetlands Wetlands: Swamps, Marshes, Bogs, and Fens Two Bit Tables: Mundane Swamp Animal Encounters

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

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