Rolling Solo Actual Play

Rolling Solo Actual Play

Rolling Solo is me playing solo through a variety of roleplaying games. Through first attempts in September 2021 during Covid, onto playing though older and new British RPGs, with a list of Solo RPGs, British RPGs and European RPGs to try.
55 posts
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE: Starting Scenes
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE: Starting Scenes

Duncan Thomson
Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Scum & Villainy with GameMaster's Apprentice: An Enemy Returns, a Friend Goes
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Scum & Villainy with GameMaster's Apprentice: An Enemy Returns, a Friend Goes

Duncan Thomson
Into the Hinterlands - Background and Intro
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Into the Hinterlands - Background and Intro

Duncan Thomson
Scum & Villainy with GameMaster's Apprentice: HappyBall and Shimmer
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Scum & Villainy with GameMaster's Apprentice: HappyBall and Shimmer

Duncan Thomson
Scum & Villainy with GMA: Starting Scenes: Way and Rimmer
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Scum & Villainy with GMA: Starting Scenes: Way and Rimmer

Duncan Thomson
Receipts and Randomness - Compact Chaos Actual Play
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Receipts and Randomness - Compact Chaos Actual Play

Duncan Thomson
Scum and Villainy Solo with GM Apprentice Cards - Intro
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Scum and Villainy Solo with GM Apprentice Cards - Intro

Duncan Thomson
Rolling Forward - Solo Continues
Rand Roll

Rolling Forward - Solo Continues

Duncan Thomson
Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo Finish: Blood in the Hollows
Fighting Fantasy

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo Finish: Blood in the Hollows

Duncan Thomson
Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo Partway: Factions of Havoc
Fighting Fantasy

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo Partway: Factions of Havoc

Duncan Thomson
Advanced Fighting Fantasy Solo: Start & Pendulum - A Tentacled Horse
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Solo: Start & Pendulum - A Tentacled Horse

Duncan Thomson
Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo: RPG and Character Intro
Rolling Solo Actual Play

Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e Solo: RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Final Part - the Rectangle and the Sun
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Final Part - the Rectangle and the Sun

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Partway - Floating Temples and Rectangles of Gold
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Partway - Floating Temples and Rectangles of Gold

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound

Duncan Thomson
Fléaux! Solo with Plot Unfolding Machine: RPG and Character Intro
International RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with Plot Unfolding Machine: RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson
English Eerie Journal Solo: Final - Death on the Moor
Rolling Solo Actual Play

English Eerie Journal Solo: Final - Death on the Moor

Duncan Thomson
English Eerie Journal Solo: Partway - Getting out of the House
Rolling Solo Actual Play

English Eerie Journal Solo: Partway - Getting out of the House

Duncan Thomson
English Eerie Journal Solo: Starting Scenes - Woes on the Moor
British RPGs

English Eerie Journal Solo: Starting Scenes - Woes on the Moor

Duncan Thomson