Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro
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Electric Bastionland Solo with CRGE- RPG and Character Intro

Duncan Thomson

Entering a world of modernity and strangeness with Electric Bastionland. Alongside solo tools CRGE emulator and UNE for making NPCs,

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Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate

RPG Introduction - Electric Bastionland

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Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall is a rules light RPG that builds on Into the Odd. It's set in a "modern" version of the City of Bastion. If there's something from the modern world, it probably exists in Bastion, just the most bulky and inefficient version of it. Other areas include Deep Country ("stretches forever, shadow of our past"), and the Underground ("machines undermine reality").

Characters have 3 stats, Strength, Dexterity and Charisma. They start with 1d6 HP (Hit-Protection) and 1d6 New Pounds (£). They also collectively have £10K in debt, which is what powers the adventure. They need to recover Treasure to pay off the debt.

They also have a Failed Career such as "Failed Citizen" or "Critter Catcher. There are 100 of these and they add lots of the atmosphere, setting lore and differences between the characters.

The rules for playing (including combat) fit on two pages of A4 size (D&D size books) Any checks that are needed ("Saves") are roll under on a D20. I'll go into combat if my group ever get into it.

Over half the book is Failed Careers, with a good section on running the game, then the Deep Country, the Underground, Inhabitants (mockeries, aliens, machines, monstrosities) and some Examples of things that can be used in Batsionland. Such as rituals, undergangs, hirelings and prototype weapons.

It looks great. Nearest thing to it I've done on the solo plays for feel is Troika.

Solo Tools

electric bastionland intro | solo tools | chars | chargen

I'll be using UNE (The Universal NPC Emulator) to create NPCs, place them in the world and do conversation basics. It's a pay-what-you-want supplement of random tables from Conjecture Games.

Also from Conjecture is CRGE (Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator). It's what I'll be using as my GM Emulator (equivalent of Mythic GM Emulator or PUM). It's pay-what-you-want, lightweight and I'll be using it for the first time.

It has a slightly different way of doing the Yes/No oracles and I'll get into that after actually using it. Still powered by random tables though.

Introducing Gears and Stones

electric bastionland intro | solo tools | chars | chargen

Starting with two characters, heavily in debt, with one lackey between them. What's written down here is all I know about them so far!

"Gears" Jannifer

Ex-Machine Whisperer, doesn't like people so prefers machines, know's next to nothing about machines

STR 9, DEX 8, CHA 8, HP 6, £6

Equipment - Mallet (d6), set of screwdrivers and spanners, bottle of poison, particularly shiny tool set, bag of marbles

"Stones" Fourley

Ex-Lockholder, was member of The Very-Strong-Group, a lockkeeper's union. Can pull out someone's heart with Crit Damage on an unarmed attack. Urban apes took lock.

STR 13, DEX 9, CHA 4, HP 1, £2

Equipment - Unused pistol (d6), smart uniform, small chimp (5 hp, d6 bite), yo-yo

Group Notes

  • Group Debt of £10k, owed to Cracknuggle Marbles and Jacks
  • have Lamps and batteries, climbing & camping equipment, food & water
  • Accompanied by Lamp, a lackey - STR 7 DEX 8 CHA 6 HP 1, alleygun (d6, bulky), toy jacks
  • Rival called Dervish (STR 17, DEX 12, CHA 13, HP 6, Muddled Mixologist, 2 Lackeys

Character Generation for Electric Bastionland

electric bastionland intro | solo tools | chars | chargen

Character generation is pretty straight forward

3d6 for each stat (Str, Dex, Cha). 1d6 for cash. 1d6 for hp.

Find your Failed Career on a table using lowest ability score and highest ability score. Or roll a d100. I used a house rule of using the stats table and then rolling d100 and choosing the career I liked most.

Your career determines your equipment, and has a couple of unique traits specific to the career. Sanctioned Executioner has "how do you live with yourself?" and "hat was your bonus for good service?"

The group as a whole has some equipment and owes £10k in debt to a group or entity (determined by youngest player's career).

Finishing Up

No idea where this will go, but that's the joy of solo.

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