There are guides to random titles, tools and maps at Rand Roll, periodically updated. There is a list by Most Recent PDF Guides and Most Recent Generators Guide.
Core Fantasy Guides
- System Neutral Fantasy: There is a PDFs Guide for Fantasy with simple random tables, books with generators and rpgs with random tools. Then the Generators Guide for Fantasy covering all sorts, such as Quest, NPCs, Taverns and Worldbuilding
- Solo RPGs: The Guide to Solo Titles includes many fantasy genre pdfs. And the Guide to Solo Gens has emulators, dice rollers and random generators. Rand Roll has a whole section on Solo RPGs.
- Characters and Groups: The PDFs Guide to Fantasy Adventures and Groups has digital titles for hirelings, companions, PCs and parties. The Characters and Groups Tools covers random generators with the same and chargen options.
- Dungeons and Dragons is covered in D&D Titles on DM's Guild and Drive Thru. And random generators in the DnD Tools Mega-Guide for everything D&D.
Guides by Environment
- Cities: The PDF/Books City Guide has digital titles, the Cities Tools Guide covers tools and for entire cities and filling out the details. Last is the City Maps Guide.
- Dungeons: PDF/Books Dungeon Guide helps with digital titles, Dungeon Tools covers gens of rooms, traps, doors and flavour. And a Dungeon Maps Guide helps layout your adventure.
- Hinterlands: includes farmlands and villages with details for farming, travellers and livestock. The PDF/Books Guide includes digital random tables and solo options. Hinterlands Tools has random generators, and a Hinterlands Maps Guide covers villages and small towns.
- Otherwordly: The PDF/Books Guide has digital wonders, the Planes and Otherworldly Gens Guide includes tools for realms beyond the one of mortals. Last is a Otherworldly Maps Guide.
- Fantasy Sea: includes ships, pirates, sailors, the open sea and places. The Sea PDF/Books Guide has digital tables, solo options and naval rpgs. Seas and Pirates Tools covers random generators. And the Sea Maps Guide has coasts, ships and islands.
- Wilderness: PDF/Books Wilds Guide has sections for hexcrawls, desert, forest, mountain, swamp and other terrains. Wilderness Tools has many generators covers places beyond settled lands. And the Wilderness and Hexcrawl Map Guide has many useful things for journeys and old-school hexcrawling.
A Few Guides More
- Dark Fantasy has Random Tables for Dark Fantasy in Titles and PDFs. And then Dark Fantasy Tools explores characters, items, creatures, atmosphere and bad things
- Pathfinder 1E shows off tools for Pathfinder 1st Edition with Dungeons, traps, encounters, magic items, treasure, npcs, characters, names and Golarion.