Guide to Free and PWYW Random Table PDFs for Fantasy
System Neutral Fantasy PDF Guides Solo RPGs

Guide to Free and PWYW Random Table PDFs for Fantasy

Duncan Thomson

Here we are looking at fantasy free and Pay What You Want (PWYW) pdf titles on Drive Thru RPG. And many solo players love random tables!

PDF Guides - all fantasy | city | dungeon | wilds | sea | hinterlands | otherworldly | all pdf guides

[Photo by Shapelined on Unsplash]

Disclaimer: Rand Roll is an affiliate for DriveThru RPG and DM's Guild.

Starting Points

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

Fantasy is the most popular genre for roleplaying games, with random tables heavily used in solo games, hex crawls, Old School Revival and many other aspects.

There are also specific guides for paid PDFs and Titles for

General Fantasy Free and PWYW PDFs

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

Fantasy not specific to a type of area or subgenre.

1001 Encounter Generator - Fantasy Wilderness 1d50 Tiered Encounters Micro Chapbook RPG 47 Fantasy Adventure Hooks: Bringing Your PCs Together With Style

Solo Free and PWYW Titles

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

For solo games, all of the random tables are of interest! But some are specific for solo...

Ironsworn Conjecture Roleplaying GM Emulator One Page Solo Engine Black Streams: Solo Heroes Rocket Dungeons

City Free and PWYW Pdfs

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

For fantasy cities in backstreets, bustling taverns and stinking sewers.

100 Town and City Names 1001 Encounter Generator - Rough Urban Fantasy Warehouse - d100 Town and City Builder The Transient Bazaar

Dungeon Free and Pay What You Want

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

In ancient ruins, abandoned mines and haunted tombs more free stuff awaits!

100 Spooky Yet Mundane Dungeon Encounters d100 Dungeon (Book 1) Loot and Fortune Dungeon Cards Core set #1 - The Secret Hideout Business Card Dungeon

Hinterlands Free and PWYW Titles

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

For countryside, rural farmlands and everything else "civilised" outside of the city.

Items in a Cottage 1d100 Items in a Cottage 1d100 Items in a Bandit Hideout One-Roll Hedge Wizard Generator

Otherworldly Free and PWYW Titles

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

Realms of demons and angels, elementals, faerie, the dead and thing best left alone...

Weird Shit Generator 100 Celestial Names Weird, Eldritch Creature Name Generator

Sea Free and PWYW PDFs

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

The oceans and seas, coasts and ports welcome you for more free loot!

100 Ship Names & 50 Pirate Ship Names Seafaring Encounters Pirate Ship Name Generator Infinite Archipelago d100 Encounters at Sea

Wilds Free and Pay What You Want

titles - all fantasy | solo | city | dungeon | hinterlands | otherworldly | sea | wilds

titles - all wilds | solo | free & pwyw | forest | jungle | arctic | mountains | desert | plains | swamp

Forests and swamps, mountains and perilous journeys in the wilds.

Encounter Generator - Wilderness for Fantasy d100 Medicinal Herbs 100 Botanical Names d30 Natural Potions and Poisons Generator D100 Forest Encounters & Events Wetlands: Swamps, Marshes, Bogs, and Fens

Finishing Up

This will get updated in the future, but leave a comment with other titles if you have one to share.

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.