Sewers and Monsters - Noncombat Urban Encounters
D&D Non-Combat Encounters D&D Encounters Urban

Sewers and Monsters - Noncombat Urban Encounters

Duncan Thomson
A few mimics are performing a strange type of theater and plays. Several locals are watching but no-one really understands what is going on.

Noncombat Encounters in the Undercity for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Tables for Noncombat Encounters for Catacombs and Ruins.

City noncombat - city streets | rich & poor | docks | vendors & guards | taverns & parks | back streets | fences & intrigue | shady | sewers | ruins | all noncombat

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

On the Edges of the City

In the sewers, winding tunnels under the city where the waste goes. Often home to outcasts, dangerous creatures and covert activity.

Then also there are dangerous creatures found on the fringes and hidden places of the city, but not looking for a fight.

From an Undercity Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

Undercity Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

Sewers Encounters - Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Sewers
1 Several commoners and acolytes live here among the waste, driven from their homes. They offer a drink and warn of a vampire nesting nearby.
2 A githzerai monk meditates in the muck, oblivious to the stench.
3 Stalagmites of compacted sewage line the floor. One is a roper who offers a "trophy" at the end of a tendril; or roll on Dangerous Creatures
4 A grotesque mass of fat and filth blocks the way, built up around a crate.
5 An anguished poltergeist dislikes intruders and drives them off with noxious breezes. Following up with a tidal wave of sewage if needed.
6 A few rats run past in fear, slowly becoming a torrent fleeing something.
7 Froth surrounds a huge mutant goldfish (giant shark stats) that feeds on refuse. It ignores the group, but a tentacle with eyes is watches intently.
8 Crudely carved in Undercommon above a hole is - "drop coins for gifts".
9 A sickly-sweet scent drowns out sewer smells, produced by a friendly awakened tree. It's growth is cramped, with tendrils feeding on waste.
10 A trio of bandits dig a crude tunnel. They stop to gossip with strangers.
11 Two muddy bullywugs welcome the group to a muckfolk convention.
12 A few umber hulk corpses block the flow of sewage and everything else.
13 Several cultists (or vampire spawn) surround a totem of painted blood, performing a complex ritual. One asks the group if they have the body.
14 There are many crabs here. Several with strange shells follow the group.
15 A trio of wererats patrol for rival thieves. Ask group what they've seen.
16 Covering every surface here are highly detailed murals of an impossible city. Closer investigation shows the buildings form complex glyphs.
17 Corpses in distinctive uniforms are being eaten by a swarm of insects.
18 A flickering sign and a uniformed minotaur guard a steel ladder up to... Den's Exclusive Auction House or roll on Shady Establishments
19 The city itself overruns here, shacks and tents cramming the tunnels.
20 A gelatinous cube carries a statue inside it. It stops to let the party past.

Dangerous Creatures - City Noncombat

1d20Noncombat Encounters - Dangerous Creatures
1 A whimpering death dog chained to a door strains to reach a large bone.
2 A few strangely hued kobolds claim to belong to a large gang. They have a proposal for the group which involves breaking into a mage's tower.
3 A groggy ettin asks for remedies to help with a heavy hangover.
4 An invisible stalker is accompanied by mist wherever it goes. Its summoner is unknown but it scrawls messages, searching for a portal.
5 A saddled carrion crawler is tied to a post, feeding on a bag of meat.
6 A greedy young bronze dragon offers their services as a mercenary. They have yet to find interesting work or anyone who can afford them.
7 A collared owlbear sleeps in the path, their eyes closed for now.
8 A scaly hill giant loves to tell overly long stories. Their favorite is of the half-dragon Grash, who ate bones in a dragon graveyard below the city.
9 A sentient gray ooze offers a moldy shoe in return for answering a riddle.
10 A curious grell starts to follow the group. It tries to remain inconspicuous, scouting out interesting buildings for a local faction.
11 A few shadows lurk here, evading others but clearly awaiting someone.
12 A few mimics are performing a strange type of theater and plays. Several locals are watching but no-one really understands what is going on.
13 A deva stops the group for an offense, writing a ticket before flying off.
14 An azer calls out a greeting and asks if the group are adventurers. They run a local smithy and their work is as legendary as their prices.
15 A stunning tapestry of fine webs bar the way, made by an ettercap artist.
16 Signs warn of dangers of honey. Locals talk of a wyvern, feeding only on those smelling of honey. A city punishment is to be covered in honey.
17 A beholder heads a mining guild, hiring delvers to scout new tunnels.
18 A smart troll (Int 10, Stealth +4) is looking for a bridge to guard. Offers group a cut of tolls if they can find a suitable place to inhabit.
19 Badly hidden under a canvas sheet are a trio of caged cockatrices.
20 A sad dryad from a nearby park seeks allies against a cult of gardeners.

From an Undercity Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild.

Undercity Noncombat Encounters on DM's Guild City and Undercity Noncombat Bundle

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