Fantasy Tavern Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations
Fantasy City Fantasy Hinterlands Inns and Taverns

Fantasy Tavern Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations

Duncan Thomson
" A gossiping minstrel stands by a game board, in front of a line of booths. They are looking for opportunities and ask a character if they need the talents of a skilled singer and musician..."

Simple encounter tables for taverns and inns in any fantasy setting. Tables for Combined Tavern Encounters, Tavern Encounter Details and Tavern Encounter Locations.

Fantasy City - all | trinkets | cemetery encs | market encs | port encs | ruins encs | sewer encs | street encs | tavern encs | crowds

Fantasy Hinterlands - all | trinkets | farmland encs | hill encs | plains encs | road encs | tavern encs

[art by Henrik Karppinen]

Fantasy Tavern and Inn Encounters

Taverns and inns are where people come to relax, to meet friends and maybe find adventure. Searching for drinks, entertainment, distractions and maybe something to eat or a place to sleep. Places where locals are telling a long story, a travelling mercenary sits in a shadowy corner and a con artists is offering special mushrooms to anyone interested.

They are also places of game boards, private booths, piled barrels, entertainers, drunken revelry, new friendships and weary bar workers.

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Tavern and Inn Encounters.

Fantasy Tavern and Inn Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Tavern and Inn Combined Encounters

These reference Tavern & Inn tables for Encounter Prompts, Atmosphere and NPCs

1d10Tavern and Inn Combined Encounters
1 a rowdy drinking contest about to start or roll on Enc. Descriptions
2 a rude (or helpful) member of staff, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. innkeeper or taverner 3. server 4. cook 5. servant
6. brewer 7. barkeep 8. guard 9. barstaff 10. porter)
3 an opportunistic thief, who has a business proposition or roll on NPCs
4 several (or a pair of)...
d10 (1-2. labourers 3. farmers 4. dwarves (or sailors) 5. apprentices
6. warriors 7. locals 8. acolytes 9. miners 10. nonhumans)
5 a few thugs asking for protection money or roll on Enc. Descriptions
6 a travelling (or fugitive)...
d10 (1-2. merchant 3. group of pilgrims 4. mercenary 5. bounty hunter
6. adventurer 7. knight 8. guide 9. troupe of entertainers 10. priest)
7 local celebrity is celebrating, buying everyone drinks or roll on NPCs
8 a mysterious (or gossiping)...
d10 (1-2. minstrel 3. rogue 4. alchemist 5. scholar
6. spy 7. cultist 8. smuggler 9. preacher 10. artist)
9 a pair of cousins, desperate for any work or roll on Enc. Descriptions
10 a potential (or signs of a) danger, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. boring storyteller 3. con artist 4. crime boss 5. gang of thugs
6. few mercenaries 7. wizard 8. ex-lover 9. group of nobles 10. rival)

Tavern and Inn Encounter Details

1d10They are... (or one is...)
1 making lots of noise or seeking somewhere to stay for the night
2 currently ...
d10 (1-2. eating 3. in distress 4. sketching people 5. mourning a friend
6. celebrating 7. watchful 8. gambling 9. waiting 10. asking for money)
3 telling a long story or about to leave without paying
4 talking to (or arguing with) a(n)...
d10 (1-2. charm seller 3. pair of guards 4. attractive server 5. con artist
6. old drunk 7. mirror 9. muscular mercenary 10. prostitute
5 putting up (or studying) a poster (or trophy); or looking at a character
6 accompanied by (or playing with) a(n)...
d10 (1-2. large dog 3. child 4. pet bird 5. large friend
6. bodyguard 7. unusual animal 9. family member 10. goat
7 offering special herbs (or mushrooms); or in need of help
8 looking for work (or someone); or curious about strangers
9 sitting in a shadowy corner or drowning their sorrows
10 talking (or complaining) about...
d10 (1-2. a celebrity 3. a local scandal 4. the beer 5. a recent disaster
6. the weather 7. religion 8. a local ruler 9. news of war 10. a wedding)

Tavern and Inn Physical Features

1d10Major feature, a(n)...Minor feature, a(n)...
1 stables or wall of art for sale notice board or or line of barstools
2 outer wall or attached temple games board or monster trophy
3 patio with a pond or low ceiling sticky (or slippery) floor; or handcart
4 raised central stage or hayloft pile of barrels (or tankards); or well
5 open kitchen or inner courtyard cellar available for hire or trapdoor
6 outdoor garden or fighting pit cart of barrels or roasting pit
7 line of booths (or weird statues) an unusual table or large map
8 covered outdoor area or casino water trough or broken door
9 brewery or meeting room stone bench or stool for a monster
10 set of stairs up (or down) outdoor toilet or cage with animals

More Encounters

here is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Tavern and Inn Encounters.

Fantasy Tavern and Inn Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Generators at Chaos Gen and a monthly random tools Newsletter. Or find us on the Rand Roll Discord or an instagram of Random Tables.
