Fantasy Cemetery and Tombs - Encounter Table, Details and Locations
Fantasy City Spooky Fantasy Fantasy Encounter Tables

Fantasy Cemetery and Tombs - Encounter Table, Details and Locations

Duncan Thomson
" A solitary fox watches from behind iron railings. Anyone watching it for long may detect that it is not what it first seems..."

Simple encounter tables for cemeteries and tombs in any fantasy setting. Tables for Combined Tomb Encounters, Port Tomb Details and Port Tomb Locations.

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[art by Henrik Karppinen]

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters

The cemeteries and tombs are where the dead are buried and remembered. A graveyard where people don't enter at night, an underground crypt of a noble family or a walled area outside the city.

Mourners dressed for a funeral by an ornate fountain, a watchful spectral dog on high alert atop a pile of coffins or a necromancer performing a ritual under a belltower.

It's also a place of gargoyles, acolytes, candles, statues, ghouls, bones, tombstones and spirits.

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Cemetery and Tomb Encounters.

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Cemetery and Tomb Combined Encounters

These reference Cemetery tables for Encounter Prompts, Hazards and NPCs

Use 1d6 for normal cemetery, or 1d6+4 for more danger

1d10Cemetery & Tomb Combined Encounters
1 an obvious (or grim) omen of a death soon to come or roll on Hazards
2 a solitary (or ghostly)...
d10 (1-2. flock of crows 3. guard dog 4. pony (or rat swarm) 5. feral cat
6. fox 7. bat (or firefly) swarm 8. giant owl 9. vulture 10. animal spirit)
3 a nature priest, tending the area and talking to spirits or roll on NPCs
4 several (or a pair of)...
d10 (1-2. acolytes 3. mourners 4. thugs (or skeletons) 5. stonemasons
6. smugglers 7. locals 8. restless spirits 9. refugees 10. guards)
5 a family loudly remember a dead relative or roll on Enc. Descriptions
6 a watchful (or talkative) protector, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. priest 3. guardian statue 4. old warrior 5. undead guard
6. spectral dog 7. watch ghost 8. gargoyle 9. poltergeist 10. dryad)
7 potent protective glyphs that warn and then harm or roll on Hazards
8 a few (or many)...
d10 (1-2. specters 3. giant rats 4. tomb robbers 5. animated objects
6. cultists 7. giant spiders 8. ghouls 9. wisps 10. undead guardians)
9 a pious warrior looking for guidance for their future or roll on NPCs
10 a potential (or signs of a) danger, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. necromancer 3. shadow demon 4. wight 5. hungry spirit
6. group of skeletons 7. wraith 8. were-creature 9. mimic 10. revenant)

Cemetery and Tomb Encounter Details

Use 1d6 for beasts or non-sentient creatures.

1d10They are... (or one is...)
1 on high alert or bearing the mark of a deity of death
2 waiting for...
d10 (1-2. death 3. a friend 4. something impossible 5. a priest
6. a spirit 7. the party 8. the end of something 9. guidance 10. a lover)
3 harassed by spirits or cursed to stay in the area
4 wary of (or attracted to) holy symbols; or serving another creature
5 digging up (or burying something); or able to extinguish open flames
6 not what they first seem or the source of an important clue
7 currently...
d10 (1-2. weeping 3. reading 4. praying 5. possessed
6. injured 7. making repairs 8. on patrol 9. chanting 10. thinking)
8 performing a ritual (or a burial rite); or spying on someone else
9 dressed for a funeral or screaming at something only they can see
10 studying inscriptions (or carvings); or not meant to be here

Cemetery and Tomb Encounter Locations

Use or 1d6+4 for indoors or underground.

1d10Area, a(n)...Feature, a(n)...
1 fenced mausoleum (or garden) burning torch or rusty grate
2 grove (or line) of trees patch of ferns or pool of water
3 boundary wall (or fence) memorial plaque or bone shrine
4 grey belltower or huge yew tree pile of coffins (or bones); or graffiti
5 cobbled (or overgrown) pathway lifelike statue (or bust) of the dead
6 mossy tomb (or monument) story told in carvings or cracked slab
7 foreboding temple (or statue) stone altar (or bench); or trapdoor
8 ornate fountain (or stone arch) metal (or secret) door or bronze bell
9 stairway down or iron railing line of candles or book on a chain
10 line of graves (or grim statues) decorated column or sarcophagus

More Encounters

There is a fantasy encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Cemetery and Tomb Encounters.

Fantasy Cemetery and Tomb Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy City Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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