Fantasy Encounters, Hazards & NPCs for Underwater RPG Adventures
Fantasy Sea Underwater Fantasy Encounter Tables

Fantasy Encounters, Hazards & NPCs for Underwater RPG Adventures

Duncan Thomson
"A telepathic sentient octopus is a scholar of the surface, with strange ideas about how it works. They are curious but argumentative."

Simple encounter tables for underwater terrain in any fantasy setting. Tables for Underwater Encounter Prompts, Underwater Hazards & Distractions and Quick Underwater NPCs.

Fantasy Sea - all | trinkets | coastal encs | island encs | open sea encs | port encs | underwater encs

[Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash]

Fantasy Underwater Encounters

Underwater encounters might be sea giants playing a game, or scavengers feeding on a dead whale. There might be a periodic beacon or a cloud of inky darkness.

A world unto itself, from the warmer waters near the surface to the unknown dark depths below. A place alluring sea-folk, stubborn guardians and adventurous surface-dwellers.

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Underwater Encounters.

Fantasy Coastal Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

10 Underwater Encounter Prompts

1d1010 Underwater Encounter Prompts
1 A merfolk knight on a giant seahorse wears heavy coral armour. They are on patrol, and will listen to any intruders before moving them on.
2 A plethora of octopi, barracuda, and other marine scavengers are feeding on a dead whale. Something metal is stuck in it's side.
3 A surface missionary priest brings word of their deity. A magical pearl lets them breathe water but they have a problem with languages.
4 A brine fiend is trying to spy on an underwater settlement. It is a demonic mix of lobster and octopus, serving a vengeful sea monster.
5 A group of adventurers from the surface have been hired by a cult to deliver a message to a cave mouth. It's in a sealed waterproof box.
6 A merfolk (or other sea humanoid) sculptor is building a mosaic of shells and objects from the surface. One item is a magical parasol.
7 A pair of sea giants play a complex game using shells and sea urchins.
8 A humanoid made of seaweed is a fey creature. They have a shell necklace and want something belonging to a character.
9 A group of sea elves prepare for a surface expedition to rescue a friend. An oracle has enchanted a cowrie shell to aid them.
10 A telepathic sentient octopus is a scholar of the surface, with strange ideas about how it works. They are curious but argumentative.

Underwater Hazards and Distractions

1d10There is...
1 a mass of shimmering seaweed or glyphs that warn and then harm
2 something from the surface, a (an)...
d10 (1-2. anchor 3. chest of tarnished coins 4. cursed magic mace
5. odd barrel-shaped device with levers 6. chariot 7. pipe organ
8. bronze bell 9. ship's figurehead 10. petrified troll)
3 a pulses (or sonic) beacon; or a dark vortex obliterating all life
4 a swarm of curious crabs (or seahorses); or a murky, toxic cloud
5 the illusion of ...
d10 (1-2. a green giant 3. a shipwreck 4. a sea monster 5. a statue
6. a clownfish 7. a face 8. a rock garden 9. sharks 10. a council room)
6 a cloud of inky darkness or a maelstrom portal to another plane
7 a periodic booming noises with brief flashes or a hydrothermal vent
8 magical wards that alert a nearby tribe (or sea monster); or sand with a circular geometric patter
9 an area of magical darkness or strands of grasping seaweed
10 a strong current pulling to a deep shaft or a floating pocket of air

Quick Underwater NPCs

1 triton or stubborn hunter with a pipe that blows bubbles
2 glistening or crabfolk oracle blessed by a sea deity
3 sea elf or superstitious forager curious about surface life
4 alluring or half-fish warrior in heavy shell armour
5 lobsterfolk or cruel musician fleeing from a sea monster
6 wary or dragon-kin scout can change into a turtle
7 merfolk or confident adventurer searching for a settlement
8 thoughtful or genie-kin priest with a seashell collection
9 undine or aggressive messenger scolding a pet squid (or fish)
10 heartbroken or merrow aquamancer who loves a surface-dweller

More Encounters

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Underwater Encounters.

Fantasy Coastal Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

If you liked these there are Fantasy Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.