Fantasy Island Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations
Fantasy Sea System Neutral Tables Fantasy Encounter Tables

Fantasy Island Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations

Duncan Thomson
" A giant figure covered in seaweed and shells, scavenging among the debris on a sandy beach, beside a statue made of driftwood..."

Simple encounter tables for islands in any fantasy setting. Tables for Combined Island Encounters, Island Encounter Details and Island Encounter Locations.

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[photo by Michael on Unsplash]

Fantasy Island Encounters

From rocky isles circled by seagulls to sandy beaches hemming in islands of lush vegetation, islands are the bedrock of many a seafaring campaign or adventure. A boat of fisherfolk playing a dangerous game by a cliff with many caves, a giant turtle basking in the sun near a huge rusty anchor or a seaweed dryad, currently mending a net in an area of rockpools with a palm tree.

A place of seals, crabs, rocks, boats, sirens, divers, shells and sand.

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Island Encounters.

Fantasy Island Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Island Combined Encounters

These reference Island tables for Encounter Prompts, Hazards and NPCs

1d10Island Combined Encounters
1 huge recent footprints, leading to a cavemouth or roll on Hazards
2 a solitary (or giant) ...
d10 (1-2. crab swarm 3. flock of terns 4. lizard 5. crocodile 6. turtle
7. snake 8. dinosaur (or walrus) 9. octopus (or penguin) 10. sea eagle )
3 A travelling oracle gives accurate readings for group or roll on NPCs
4 several (or a boat of)...
d10 (1-2. fisherfolk 3. sailors 4. nonhumans 5. locals 6. divers
7. merfolk (or smugglers) 8. warriors 9. outcasts 10. pirates )
5 Two feathered merfolk dance in the waves or roll on Enc. Descriptions
6 a few (or many)...
d10 (1-2. giant turtles 3. ponies 4. giant crabs 5. seals
6. lizardfolk 7. pegasi 8. pteranodons 9. griffon 10. island drakes)
7 a troubled spirit making shapes using the wind or roll on Hazards
8 an aquatic creature ...
d10 (1-2. sea sprite 3. seaweed dryad 4. merfolk 5. brine imp
6. serpent 7. giant octopus 8. whale 9. transparent slime 10. naiad)
9 A hunter (or smuggler) searches for crabs or roll on NPCs
10 a potential (or signs of a) danger, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. huge bird 3. wind spirit 4. water dragon 5. brine troll
6. reef giant 7. siren 8. sea monster 9. ghost 10. cyclops and livestock

Island Encounter Details

Use 1d6 for beasts or non-sentient creatures.

1d10They are... (or one is...)
1 on a long journey or sheltering in a cave
2 watching (or waiting for) something out at sea, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. floating wreck 3. moving island 4. sea monster
5. raft with figures 6. ghostly ship 7. strange incoming mist
8. flare 9. pod of dolphins 10. squad of ships)
3 feeding on (or hunting for) fish or basking in the sun
4 trapped in netting or more dangerous than they seem
5 investigating (or in) a weathered (or abandoned) ...
d10 (1-2. fishing boat 3. rowing boat 4. canoe 5. single-masted ship
6. raft 7. longboat 8. sailing boat 9. skiff 10. unique vessel)
6 playing (or washing) in the water; or covered in mud
7 salvaging among the debris or curious about a body
8 making a sand (or rock) sculpture; or playing a dangerous game
9 currently...
d10 (1-2. swimming 3. watching a threat 4. singing 5. mending a net
6. waiting 7. climbing 8. digging 9. making a map 10. repairing a boat)
10 collecting driftwood (or shells); or trying to get attention of someone

Island Encounter Locations

1d10Area, a(n)...Feature, a(n)...
1 area of rock pools or sand dunes driftwood (or stone) statue or winch
2 sandy (or rocky) beach; or wreck cave mouth or dead sea creature
3 ruined hamlet (or stone tower); huge rusty anchor or stone arch
4 cliff with many caves (or a path) old (or sacred) boat or pile of debris
5 estuary (or lake) edge; or slipway mass of seaweed or unlit beacon
6 area of debris (or pebble dunes) pile of shells (or driftwood); or jetty
7 line of trees (or ruined pillars) wooden hut (or walkway); or cage
8 group of rocks (or mangroves) palm (or dead) tree; or sea stack
9 shallow stream or belltower bone shrine to a sea (or island) god
10 whalebone (or bamboo) house sturdy crate (or barrel); or campfire

More Encounters

There is a fantasy sea encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Island Encounters.

Fantasy Island Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Sea Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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