Fantasy Desert Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations
Fantasy Wilds Desert System Neutral Tables

Fantasy Desert Encounters - Encounter Table, Details and Locations

Duncan Thomson
" A band of raiders are herding tired camels, approaching a ruined temple dotted with a few cacti..."

Simple encounter tables for ports and docks in any fantasy setting. Tables for Combined Desert Encounters, Desert Encounter Details and Desert Encounter Locations.

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[photo by Tijs van Leur on Unsplash]

Fantasy Desert Encounters

Deserts are home to nomads, predators and creatures who can survive in the harshest of conditions. Camel herders setting up tents by a waterhole, jackals stuck in mud near a monstrous skeletons and a pack of ghouls burying something in a box canyon.

A place of bandits, skeletons, sand and pilgrims, dust, cacti and giant ants

There is a fantasy desert encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Desert Encounters.

Fantasy Desert Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Wilds Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

Desert Combined Encounters

These reference Desert tables for Encounter Prompts, Hazards and NPCs

1d10Desert Combined Encounters
1 patterns in the sand (or dirt) of several colours; or roll on Hazards
2 an opportunistic (or aggressive)...
d10 (1-2. pack of jackals 3. giant scorpion 4. snake 5. flock of crows
6. vulture 7. giant mantis 8. big cat 9. pack of hyenas 10. insect swarm)
3 a desert guide full of jokes, who is waiting for a friend; or roll on NPCs
4 several (or a pair of)...
d10 (1-2. nomads 3. bandits 4. goblinoids 5. mounted guards
6. snake-kin 7. berserkers 8. camel herders 9. warriors 10. pilgrims)
5 a family on a loaded cart, seeking a home; or roll on Enc. Descriptions
6 a few (or many)...
d10 (1-2. camels 3. giant ants 4. ogres 5. shape-changing jackals
6. mules 7. wild dogs 8. skeletons 9. giant lizards 10. fire snakes )
7 a large sinkhole which has swallowed many things or roll on Hazards
8 a trickster (or vengeful) spirit, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. djinn 3. ghost 4. ghoul 5. sand elemental
6. salamander 7. desert sprite 8. efreet 9. lamia 10. dust devil)
9 a desperate thief with a mule, slowly dying of a curse; or roll on NPCs
10 a potential (or signs of a) danger, a(n)...
d10 (1-2. band of raiders 3. dune worm 4. sphinx 5. fire giant
6. golem 7. giant bird 8. leucrotta 9. pack of ghouls 10. desert dragon)

Desert Encounter Details

Use 1d6 for beasts or non-sentient creatures.

1d10They are... (or one is...)
1 stalking (or being stalked by) something; or diseased
2 investigating something in the sand (or rocks), a(n)...
d10 (1-2. corpse 3. message 4. barrel 5. weapon 6. sculpture
7. statue 8. snake 9. skeleton chained to a rock 10. flag)
3 dehydrated or guarding the local area
4 burying (or digging up) something; or cursed
5 stuck in mud (or sand); or mutilated in some way
6 sheltering from a dust storm (or other bad weather)
7 herding animals (or other beasts); or following a mirage
8 searching for ...
d10 (1-2. water 3. a spellcaster 4. healing 5. herd animals
6. a loved one 7. a landmark 8. old ruins 9. a settlement 10. help)
9 setting up (or taking down) tents; or preparing an ambush
10 following a local guide or performing a ritual

Desert Encounter Locations

1d10Area, a(n)...Feature, a(n)...
1 ruined tomb (or temple); or ravine pile of rocks or wanted poster
2 box canyon or rocky outcrop freshly dug (or muddy) hole
3 unstable cave (or mine) entrance camel (or goat) corpse; or campfire
4 area of shifting dunes (or mud) rock (or sand) sculpture; or statue
5 monstrous skeleton or salt flat mound of slabs (or bones)
6 circle of tents (or spiked cacti) waterhole or drop to jagged rocks
7 oasis with palm trees (or tents) stone shrine or huge anthill
8 cliff with steps (or large nest) covered (or poisoned) well
9 hut with a wall or muddy stream few cacti or haze of thick dust
10 dusty (or old) road or watchtower abandoned tent (or wagon);

More Encounters

There is a fantasy desert encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DriveThruRPG as Desert Encounters.

Fantasy Desert Encounters on DriveThru RPG Fantasy Wilds Tables Bundle on DriveThru RPG

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