Road and Trail Locations for D&D 5e Encounters
Encounter Locations Road D&D Hinterlands

Road and Trail Locations for D&D 5e Encounters

Duncan Thomson
"Several trails converge at a verdant valley. Many ravens, crows and similar birds are attracted to a grove of whispering trees. "

Tables for Wilderness, Semi-Civilised and Unusual Road locations. Result is from Road Unusual Locations.

Locations for unusual terrain - jungle | road | ruins | sea | shadowfell

[Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash]

Road and Trail Encounter Locations

Crumbling stone roads, leaf-covered forest trails and rutted wagon tracks support fantasy journeys. These paths are marked by crossroads and river crossings, roadside taverns, disputed boundary markers and old barns.

There is a 5e Road random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Roads and Trails.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Road Encounters.

Road Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

Road Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Road Wilderness Locations

1d8+1d12Road and Trail Wilderness Locations
2 A meeting of two rivers by a field of pink berries (there is a makeshift barrier blocking the path)
3 A shore of a blue lake with a dead tree (nearby is the fresh corpse of a dragon)
4 A patch of foliage and a pond. (someone is shouting for help nearby)
5 A patch of pretty flowers by a haunted well (nearby is a shrine to a forgotten power)
6 A few alder trees by a rectangular hole. (there is a rainbow)
7 A field of mud and an overgrown cave entrance (nearby is the fresh corpse of a giant insect)
8 A group of twisted trees (there is a body on a spear with a warning to traitors)
9 An area of blue moss and a glowing mushroom ring (nearby is a mordenkainen's magnificent mansion)
10 A grove of insect covered shrubs (close by is a hidden tunnel entrance)
11 A deep hole in the path and a carved rock (there is a circular tent)
12 Through a wood of tall trees the has been cleared back on both sides (there is a horrible stench lingering in the air)
13 A weathered rock by a fish-filled stream (heavy rain is falling)
14 A ford over a wide river (there is writing here in a local dialect)
15 An area of orange ferns (there are a few recently used bedrolls)
16 A spring surrounded by dying plants (close by is a cage with a body)
17 A meadow of red mushrooms (which is protected by a curious ghost)
18 A copse of oak saplings. (there are wolf tracks less than an hour old)
19 An area of large orange flowers (the area is associated with elemental magic)
20 An area of stones and a collapsed sinkhole (there is a pile of bodies blocking the path)

Road Semi-Civilised Locations

1d8+1d12Road and Trail Semi-Civilised Locations
2 Saplings surround a temple to a power of trade (which is associated with axe beaks)
3 A ruined bridge across a stream (nearby is the fresh corpse of a stone giant)
4 A mound of rotting waste and a few carved saplings. (nearby is a crumbling mansion)
5 An ornate stone bench with a stunning view (which is dedicated to a power of fire)
6 A ferry over a reed-filled river. (near an abandoned walled inn)
7 A grim tomb surrounded by debris (the birds and animals have gone quiet)
8 A stone path with a railing leading up a cliff (by a crumbling watchtower)
9 A sheltered campsite near a tall hedge (there are elephant tracks less than a day old)
10 A ford through a fish-filled river at a crossroads (the area is associated with a mysterious dragon)
11 An abandoned hamlet (there is a barricade blocking the path)
12 A welcoming walled inn with a cage containing a dog (there is flag cautioning of guard drakes)
13 An aqueduct by a lifelike statue. (there is a group of travelers on the trail ahead)
14 A steep track and a small beast pen (nearby is a well-kept campsite)
15 A twisted tree by a brightly-painted barn (there are fresh tracks of more creature(s) nearby)
16 An unusual wooden bridge by a gloomy wizard's tower. (there is a battered chariot)
17 A fenced tomb surrounded by exposed rock (nearby is a beast pen)
18 A body hanging from a pole near a low wall. (there is smoke from a fire)
19 A large vegetable garden by a dilapidated farm. (close by is a giant statue)
20 A shrine to a power of death by an overgrown hedge. (it is in the area of a forbiddance spell)

Road Unusual Locations

1d8+1d12Road and Trail Unusual Locations
2 A ferry operated by kobolds crosses at where two rivers meet. A dragon merchant trades from an island every 1d6 days.
3 A copse of olive trees surround a mossy statue. The area is always shrouded in mist and spirits sometimes speak through the statue.
4 Shelter of Serenity. A campsite nestles in the shadow of a huge tree. A shrine is the center of a hallow and protects the area from fire.
5 A field beside the path is full of vegetables ready to harvest. At it's center are many dog graves and their ghosts haunt it at night.
6 The stone path splits around a tavern where fey meet travelers in the day. At night creatures from the shadowfell viist here.
7 From the top of an obelisk hangs a cage with corpse. Nearby a hallucinatory terrain hides a cave entrance to a dungeon.
8 The Glutton's Garden. A tall hedge encloses an orchard of fruit trees. A sign warns that any taking fruit must leave a gift to the owner.
9 The image of a salamander with a spear is carved onto a cliff face. Below it are two cave entrances, one has a metal flue and smoke.
10 Path leads through a meadow of tall blue grass. There is a programmed illusion of a joyous troll running around the area.
11 An area of decaying brambles surround a burial mound. Many blades are thrust into the mound, some with centuries of rust.
12 The Flying Horse. At a crossroads is an inn built around the bones of a great beast. Many kites are tied to the sides and roof of the inn.
13 Beside a majestic waterfall is a rough path off to a ruined tower. A sign warns not to leave the path or enter the tower.
14 Stepping stones lead over a placid river. Faces and lights appear in the water and follow anyone on the stones.
15 Several trails converge at a verdant valley. Many ravens, crows and similar birds are attracted to a grove of whispering trees.
16 Crossroads of Beyond. A crossroads is marked by several marble pillars topped by continual flame. Travelers here sometimes find themselves on the Astral Plane.
17 The path leads past a burnt-out tavern. There is a memorial to those who died when drunk adventurers started a brawl that turned ugly.
18 The path leads through field of moss and past a covered hole. It leads to a network of tunnels connected to moss-covered holes.
19 A newly-build hamlet is in the area of an old forbiddance spell. Cairns, rusted helms and trenches mark the remains of old battles.
20 Stone of Radiance A large stone slab floats above, slowly following the path. It bears shrines associated with the Upper Planes.

More Encounters and Locations

There is a 5e Road random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Roads and Trails.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Road Encounters.

Road Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.