Road and Travel Encounter Tables for D&D 5e
D&D Encounters Road D&D Hinterlands

Road and Travel Encounter Tables for D&D 5e

Duncan Thomson
"The path ahead is broken by a river, where the remains of a bridge offer a risky crossing. Amidst a herd of goats several locals are taking part in a ritual at river's edge. It is led by a woman with an antlered mask"

Random tables for Dungeons and Dragons road encounters. Tables for Road Encounters (Levels 1-4, 5-10 and 11+), Beasts, Beasts of Burden, Domesticated Animals, Groups of Travelers, Lone Travelers and Marauders

Road Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

[Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash]

Road Encounters Levels 1-4

1d8+1d12Road and Travel Levels 1-4
2 1 hill giant carrying a wagon or 1d3 shadow mastiffs (VGtM)
3 1d4+1 scouts mounted on riding horses or 1d3 ankhegs
4 2d4 tribal warriors with a trophy or roll on Group of Travelers lvl 1-4
5 1d4 carts pulled by draft horses accompanied by 2d4 acolytes
6 1d4 giant vultures or roll on Beast Encounters
7 A mercenary group of 1d4+2 bandits and 1 spy led by 1 bandit captain or roll on Warriors lvl 1-4
8 2d4 acolyte pilgrims or roll on Group of Travelers lvl 1-4
9 1d3 centaur guards or roll on Monstrous Mercenaries lvl 1-4
10 2d4 mastiffs or roll on Beast Encounters
11 Patrol of 1d2 veterans mounted on mules or roll on Warriors lvl 1-4
12 2d4 local commoners with 1 druid or roll on Humanoid Encounters
13 1 spy or roll on Lone Travelers lvl 1-4
14 1d3 tribal warriors with 4d6 goats or roll on Domesticated Beasts
15 1d3 perytons or roll on Aerial Threats lvl 1-4
16 1d2 orcs mounted on dire wolves or roll on Marauders lvl 1-4
17 1 doppelganger or roll on Lone Travelers lvl 1-4
18 1d4+1 wagons driven by commoners and 2d4 guards keeping watch or roll on Humanoid Encounters
19 1d3 griffons or roll on Aerial Threats lvl 1-4
20 1 talkative night hag or 1d4 tortles (MToF) and 1 tortle druid (MToF)

Roads and Trails Encounters

Roads and trails connect the cities and ports of fantasy nations. A few newly built but many fallen into ruin upon the causeways of older empires. A highway connecting two prominent cities, an ancient trail through sylvan woods or a road built by dwarves and now used by local tribes. Encounters happen at haunted crossroads and narrow paths, with desperate brigands, friendly pilgrims, hungry mercenaries, locals herding goats and any others on the path.

There is a 5e road random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Road Encounters.

Road Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

Unusual terrains - feywild | shadowfell | lower planes | elemental | jungle | roads | ruins | sea

Road Encounters Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Road and Travel Levels 5-10
2 1d3 galeb duhr
3 A pack of 2d4 dire wolves with 1d4 werewolves
4 1 death slaad merchant with a pony and cart
5 1 fire giant with 1d4 hell hounds or roll on Monstrous Mercenaries lvl 5-10
6 1d4 knights on warhorses with 2d6 guard on riding horses or roll on Group of Travelers lvl 5-10
7 2d6 thugs mercenaries led by 1 gladiator or roll on Warriors lvl 5-10
8 Work crew of 2d6 commoners with 1 noble and 1d2 stone giants
9 2d4 hobgoblins led by 1 hobgoblin captain or roll on Monstrous Mercenaries lvl 5-10
10 1d2 priests in a wagon with 2d6 acolytes and 1d4 veterans or roll on Group of Travelers lvl 5-10
11 A patrol of 1d6 veterans with 2d4 scouts or roll on Warriors lvl 5-10
12 1 oni trader and 1d4 elephants or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (VGtM)
13 1 half-red dragon veteran or roll on Lone Travelers lvl 5-10
14 1 priest with 2d4 knights mounted on warhorses
15 1d2 mages mounted on nightmares or roll on Aerial Threats lvl 5-10
16 1d4 hill giants or roll on Marauders lvl 5-10
17 1 githzerai zerth or roll on Lone Travelers lvl 5-10
18 2d6 lizardfolk led by 1 lizardfolk shaman with 1d6 laden giant lizards
19 1 young silver dragon or roll on Aerial Threats lvl 5-10
20 1d2 watchful treants or 1 balhannoth (MToF)

Road Encounters Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Road and Travel Levels 11+
2 1d2 gynosphinxes
3 1 adult dragon (any chromatic)
4 1d6 fire giant mercenaries or 1 gloom weaver (MToF) with 1d3 shadow dancers (MToF)
5 1 archmage with 1 gladiator guard and 2d4 doppelganger servants
6 1 storm giant mounted on a roc or 1 cadaver collector (MToF)
7 1 dao trader with 1d4 gargoyles or 1 githyanki knight mounted on a young red dragon
8 1d2 assassins with 2d4 spies and 3d6 cultists
9 1d4 priests and 1d4 knights priests and knights and something else
10 1d4 treants watching the road's edge or 1 gray render (MToF)
11 A caravan of wagons with 2d6 scouts and 1d4 veterans, escorted by 1d2 young silver dragons
12 Work crew of 1d3 dwarf mages and 1 stone golem
13 A family of 1d4+2 stone giants or 1d4 eladrin (MToF)
14 1 rakshas merchant with 1d2 nycaloth guards
15 1 iron golem pulling a wagon or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)
16 A patrol of 2d4 mezzoloth mercenaries or 1 rot troll (MTof)
17 1 adult dragon (any metallic) or 1 warlord (VGtM) with 2d6 veterans
18 A patrol of 1d4 knights with 1 deva
19 1d4 cloud giant marauders with 1d2 wyverns
20 1 planetar or 1 elder tempest (MToF)

Beast Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Beast Encounters (Levels 1-4)
2 1d4 dire wolves or 2d6 baboons
3 1d2 elephants or roll on Beasts of Burden
4 2d4 blood hawks or 1d3 aurochs (VGtM)
5 1d8 camels or roll on Beasts of Burden
6 1d4 swarms of insects or 1d4 lions
7 1d6 draft horses or roll on Beasts of Burden
8 2d6 wolves or 1d6 giant spiders
9 2d4 mules or roll on Beasts of Burden
10 2d6+6 deer or 2d6 hyenas
11 2d4 mastiffs or roll on Domesticated Animals
12 2d4 giant wasps or 2d6 elk
13 4d6 goats or roll on Domesticated Animals
14 1d4 giant vultures or 3d4 jackals
15 2d4 riding horsesor roll on Domesticated Animals
16 1d2 brown bears or 1d6 poisonous snakes
17 1d8 boars or roll on Domesticated Animals
18 2d6 stirges or 1d3 giant boars
19 2d4 giant goats or roll on Domesticated Animals
20 2d4 giant owls or 1 pseudodragon

Beasts of Burden (Levels 1-4)

Usually encountered with travelers or as part of a caravan.

1d4+1d6Beasts of Burden (Levels 1-4)
2 1d2 elephants or 1 triceratops
3 4d6 giant goats
4 2d4 ponies or 1d2 ankylosauruses
5 1d6 draft horses
6 2d4 mules
7 1d8 camels or 2d6 oxen (VGtM)
8 2d4 giant lizards
9 1d2 giant boars or 2d4 hadrosauruses (VGtM)
10 2d4 axe beaks or 1 mammoth

Domesticated Animals (Levels 1-4)

Domestic animals have a 50% chance of being accompanied by 1d6 commoners or tribal warriors

1d4+1d6Domesticated Animals (Levels 1-4)
2 1d2 griffons or 1d4 warhorses
3 1d8 boars or 2d4 axe beaks
4 2d4 ponies or 1d2 guard drakes (VGtM)
5 2d4 mastiffs or 1d6 cats
6 2d4 mules or 1d6 draft horses
7 4d6 goats or 1d3 ravens
8 2d4 riding horses or 2d6 cows (VGtM)
9 2d4 giant weasels or 1d6 flying snakes
10 1d2 elephants or 1d2 owlbears

Group of Travelers (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Group of Travelers (Levels 1-4)
2 1 noble ambassador with 2d4 guards
3 2d4 cultists and 1 cult fanatic with a covered wagon
4 2d4 pilgrims, a mix of acolytes and commoners
5 1 knight with 1 noble squire and 1d4 commoner servants
6 1 merchant (spy stats) with a wagon and 1 veteran guard
7 2d4 tribal warriors with a slain beast or 1 illusionist (VGtM) with 1d4 apprentice wizards (VGtM)
8 Family of 2d6 commoners with a cart or 2d4 tortles (MToF)
9 A mercenary band of 1d4+2 bandits and 1 spy led by 1 bandit captain or roll on Warriors lvl 1-4
10 1 priest with 1d6 acolytes

Group of Travelers (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Group of Travelers (Levels 5-10)
2 1d2 druids with 2d4 scouts and 1d4 elephants
3 1 mage with 1 homunculus familiar and 1d4 wererat servants
4 1d2 priests in a wagon with 2d6 acolytes and 1d4 veterans or 1 abjurer (VGtM) with 1d6 martial arts adepts (VGtM)
5 Family of 1d3+1 stone giants with 2d4 draft horses or 1 conjurer (VGtM) with 1d4 archers (VGtM)
6 1d4 knights on warhorses with 2d6 guards on riding horses
7 2d4 centaurs with 1 werebear ranger or a team of 1d3+1 master thieves (VGtM)
8 1 cambion merchant with 1 shield golem and 1d6 ogres carrying goods
9 A mercenary band of 1d6+1 veterans with 2d4 scouts or roll on Warriors lvl 5-10
10 1 assassin with 1d3 doppelganger lookalikes or 1 cloud giant smiling one (VGtM)

Lone Travelers (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Lone Travelers (Levels 1-4)
2 1 weretiger or 1 transmuter (VGtM)
3 1 knight or 1 hobgoblin iron shadow (VGtM)
4 1 druid or 1 quickling (VGtM)
5 1 berserker or 1 swashbuckler (VGtM)
6 1 spy or 1 bard (VGtM)
7 1 scout or 1 tortle druid (VGtM)
8 1 doppelganger or 1 martial arts adept (VGtM)
9 1 priest or 1 wereboar
10 1 veteran or 1 enchanter (VGtM)

Lone Travelers (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Lone Travelers (Levels 5-10)
2 1 gray slaad in disguise or 1 archdruid (VGtM)
3 1 githzerai zerth or 1 blackguard
4 1 assassin or 1 warlock of the great old one (VGtM)
5 1 stone giant or 1 diviner
6 1 mage or 1 war priest (VGtM)
7 1 half-red dragon veteran or 1 gladiator
8 1 oni in disguise or 1 necromancer (VGtM)
9 1 cambion or 1 warlock of the fiend (VGtM)
10 1 hooded medusa or 1 githzerai enlightened (VGtM)

Marauders (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Marauders (Levels 1-4)
2 1d4 thugs with 1d4 mastiffs or 1d2 redcaps (VGtM)
3 1d4 gnolls and 1 gnoll pack lord or 1d4 thri-kreen
4 1d4 hobgoblins or roll on Monstous Mercenaries lvl 1-4
5 1 ogre and 1d4 kobolds or 1d2 displacer beasts
6 2d4 goblins led by 1 goblin boss or 1d2 berserkers with 1d4 wolves
7 1d4+2 bandits and 1 spy led by 1 bandit captain
8 1d2 bugbears with 1d3 worgs or 2d6 kobolds led by 1 kobold dragonshield (VGtM)
9 1d2 orcs mounted on dire wolves or 2d6 xvarts (VGtM)
10 1 troll or 1 hill giant

Marauders (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Marauders (Levels 5-10)
2 1 young dragon (any metallic) or 1 flind (VGtM) with 2d4 gnoll hunters (VGtM)
3 1d3 frost giants or 1d2 cloud giants
4 3d4 orcs led by 1 orc warchief or 1d3 trolls and 1 ettin
5 2d6 gnolls with 1d2 gnoll fangs of Yeenoghu and 1d4 ghouls
6 1d4 hill giants or 1 blackguard (VGtM) with 2d4 thugs
7 1d6+2 berserkers mounted on giant boars
8 2d4 bugbears led by 1 bugbear chief with 1d4 hobgoblins and 1d6 goblins
9 1 fire giant with 1d4 hell hounds or roll on Monstrous Mercenaries lvl 5-10
10 1 githyanki knight with 1d4 githyanki warriors

More Encounters

There is a 5e road random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Road Encounters.

Road Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.