Grassland Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e
Grassland D&D Hinterlands D&D Wilderness

Grassland Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e

Duncan Thomson
"There is a wagon (or a circle of wagons) pulled by draft horses"

Tables for Combat Terrain and Minor Treasures and Encounter Complications for Grassland Encounters. Result is from Grassland Encounter Complications.

Enhancements by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash]

Grassland Encounter Enhancements

What makes this grassland encounter different?

Maybe they have pet lions or they are camped inside a forbiddance. There might be a hedge of razorvine or boars wallowing in a pond. A creature might be using weaver's tools or have a potion of speed for emergencies.

There is a 5e Grassland random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Grassland Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Grassland Tables - encounters | locations | non-combat | extras | tools guide

Grassland Combat Terrain

1d8+1d12Grassland Combat Terrain
2 A slow river with a ford (or stepping stone)
3 An overgrown cave entrance
4 An abandoned barn
5 A hedge of razorvine
6 A stream with a rowing boat pulled up
7 A line of tall trees or an unattended wagon with 2 draft horses
8 A recently dug trench with a spade or a stone bench
9 A pond with several wallowing boars (or giant boars)
10 An area of deep mud (difficult terrain)
11 A pavilion tent or a thick hedge
12 A beast pen holding ponies
13 Sinkhole (count as Quicksand - DMG pg 110) or roll on Grassland Hazards & Obstacles
14 An overturned chariot (or wagon)
15 A deep well covered with a wooden lid
16 A low cliff covered with foliage
17 A wooden watchtower with a bronze bell
18 A bubbling pool with a periodic geyser of water
19 A treehouse with a corpse hanging from it
20 A hidden cache (Perception check to spot if near) with potion of speed (or roll on Minor Grassland Treasures)

Grassland Minor Treasures

1d20Grassland Minor Treasures
2 A long piece of ivory inscribed with small writing and pictures. It describes the saga of a local legend. Worth 1000 gp
3 Arrow of Slaying
4 1d4 transparent red garnets that glow different colors as the winds shift. Worth 250 gp each.
5 Potion of Speed or 1d2 beans from a Bag of Beans
6 A piles of drawings of local landmarks with short descriptions
7 Potion of Flying or Potion of Greater Healing
8 2d6 silvered arrows or 2d4 tents
9 Dust of Dryness or Dust of Disappearance
10 A military saddle or cartographer's tools
11 Potion of Animal Friendship or 2d10 Ammunition +1
12 Artisan's tools (leatherworker's tools, painters supplies or weaver's tools)
13 Spell Scroll of wind wall (or fly)
14 Furs and pelts of grassland beasts worth 75 gp
15 Quaal's Feather Token (any) or Potion of Gaseous Form
16 3d6 carved figurines depicting different grassland animals. Worth 25 gp each
17 Potion of Clairvoyance or Elemental Gem (air)
18 A pouch with 20 lb. of saffron or a chariot
19 Spell Scroll of control weather (or wind walk)
20 A book describing various nearby ruins. A note promises a reward if returned to its archmage owner. or a spyglass

Grassland Encounter Complications

1d8+1d12Grassland Encounter Complications
2 There is a permanent illusion (or Mordenkainen's magical mansion).
3 There are centaurs (or roll on Grassland Humanoids) here (or nearby) as allies (or servants / mercenaries)
4 There is a hallucinatory terrain here of a mesa
5 There is a line of tall trees or roll on Grassland Combat Terrain
6 There is a hidden item (or cache) here. A potion of flying or roll on Minor Grassland Treasures
7 There is a stream with a rowing boat pulled up or roll on Grassland Combat Terrain
8 There are lions here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For alternatives roll on Grassland Beasts
9 There is an area of deep mud or roll on Grassland Combat Terrain
10 There is a prisoner in the encounter or a lone traveler nearby. Roll on Quick Grassland NPCs
11 There is a wagon (or a circle of wagons) pulled by draft horses
12 There are recent tracks of goblinoids (or roll on an appropriate encounter table) in the area
13 There is a herd of boars ready to stampede or roll on Grassland Hazards and Obstacles
14 The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is hidden nearby). Roll on Magic Items - Grassland
15 There is a brush fire and smoke or roll on Grassland Hazards & Obstacles
16 Several tents are setup inside a permanent forbiddance
17 A large insect swarm is approaching (as insect swarm) or roll on Grassland Hazards and Obstacles
18 Nearby is a herd of elephants (or pick from Grassland Encounters Level 11+) those encountered try not to disturb.
19 There is a group of adventurers of similar (or lower) level to the party in the area. They have a connection to the encounter.
20 There is an elemental (or planar) portal here or there is a crossing to the Feywild

More Encounter Tables

There is a 5e Grassland random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Grassland Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.