Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound
International RPGs Rolling Solo Solo RPGs

Fléaux! Solo with PUM: Starting Scenes - Bounty Hunter Inbound

Duncan Thomson

Commencing with the Starting Scenes of Fléaux and getting to grips with Plot Unfolding Machine (PUM). Following on from the RPG Intro and Char Gen.

Fléaux! solo - intro | start | partway | finish | all rolling solo

Disclosure - I'm a DriveThru RPG affiliate

Getting Started with Fléaux!

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Adding to the Intro of Fléaux!, as I have actually played it now! It's a lightweight and fast game, perfect when using solo with multiple characters.

It ticks a lot of my favourites boxes. Roll under for tests, with Advantage and Disadvantage instead of modifiers. No classes to influence advancement. There are levels, but they solely increase hit points (slowly), the odd attribute and maybe a talent.

When these adventurers go up from level 1 to 2, they get +1 HP and +1 to one attribute!

The Willpower die is a great mechanic, giving a diminishing resource that you can use to push your luck and power special abilities (including magic). But if it runs out, it can trigger panic and chaos. It can trigger on any critical failure, so can diminish at any time!

I'm also a fan of the setting, which has a Warhammer Fantasy vibe, with strong, gothic art and a sense of doom.

One thing I missed first time through is that combat is character-facing. So when a foe attacks a Player Character, you don't roll an attack for the the foe, the player rolls for their character to dodge or parry the blow. There's a negative modifier if the attacker is higher level than the character!

There's also a rule where combatants can't take the same action twice, except for PCs by triggering a WP roll. This means PCs can nearly always flee from monsters, or potentially kite them with ranged weapons. See if this actually is ever a problem though.

The descriptions of each area of the world is fairly brief, but enough to work with. Much of the detail is nested in the d6 tables of plot hooks, which are handy for making adventures and possible side-treks for solo play.

Trying out Plot Unfolding Machine (PUM)

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Also got to use PUM, building on initial understanding and intro.

The basic oracle works well, and it's nice to have options for Subjective and Interaction columns as well as the Yes/No/Yes, but/Strong Yes options;.

The d10 and d100 details oracles (Someone, object, mood) are also solid, often with two similar options ("Someone you relate to, or know"). In my own random tables I like to have a default option and an alternative where possible. They all fit onto a double page (A4) spread, which is nice when playing non-digital (like me)

There are also lots of different ways to use Plot Unfolding Machine. True to the name, you'd have a different game using the Simple plot sheet (no up front work or scenes to track), to the Adventure plot sheet (scene progression of Exposition / Rising / Climax / Falling / Resolution) and the Dungeon sheet (built on principles of the 5-Room Dungeon).

I thought about adding a separate plot sheet for a new thread in this adventure, but chose to stick with the flexible but solid Standard Plot Sheet.

I also had time to look through some of the options for customising PUM. One includes playing without Plot Nodes or a Plot Track. But the one that stood out was the Disruption Die. Every time you roll on a d10 oracle, also roll a d10, triggering some kind of event on a 1 or 2. This is similar to the event when rolling doubles in Ironsworn or Mythic GM Emulator.

I love random interruptions, especially in solo, so when I spotted the disruption dice I added them straight away, midway through scene 3.

Apart from names from an NPC names list and ship name list, I didn't use my own sea tables much.

Adventure Setup and PUM Lists

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After looking over world of Fléaux, I settled on the port city of Holsteinhaven, a city of traders, mercenaries and explorers seeking opportunity among the ruins of a fallen kingdom.

Of our starting three characters from the intro, two had similar accusations / crimes of "hunting in a royal reserve" and "accused of killing a royal officer". So Maximiam and Albin know each other and were involved in an unfortunate incident together. And the third Morwen, has been accused of being an apostate. So using the strange character trait of "Apostate", it became apparent she had hired the other two to find the Rectangular Shield, a key relic to her faith of rectangles. She hasn't yet revealed who she works for.

On the PUM plot sheet I wrote down...

World and Game Elements

1d10World and Game Elements
1-2 Uncertain dusk (dusk is long and uncertain in Holsteinhaven)
3-4 Dangers from the ruins
5-6 A chaotic mix of chancers

Relevant Encounters

1d10Relevant Encounters
1-2 Hired thugs
3-4 An old rival
5-6 The Bounty Hunter
7-8 Roll on d6 Plot Hooks for Holsteinhaven in Fléaux book

Useful Findings

1d10Useful Findings
1-2 A clue about the Rectangular Shield
3-4 A friend far from home
5-6 A gun (because I wanted to try firearm rules)

Pending Questions

1d10Pending Questions
1-2 Where is the Rectangular Shield?
3-4 Who has hired them?
5-6 Is there more than one bounty hunter

Adventures of Max, Albin and Morwen

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Plot Unfolding Machine revolves around proposing new scenes or dealing with random ones, so it's easy to present by scene!

Scene 1 - Aboard the Casino (Health and WP at max)

Max, Albin and Morwen are aboard the Solitaire, a casino barge full of colours. Max and Albin are worried about bounty hunters sent after them for the death of an imperial officer. Morwen wants to follow up a clue in the city about the Rectangular Shield they seek.

Max has borrowed all their money and is playing a high stakes card game. Albin watches for trouble as Morwen is entranced by the game and characters involved.

PUM indicated the person who had arrived was "someone you'd prefer to avoid". Which can only be the bounty hunter. Reef is a huge human (with one companion) who has left weapons with casino security, but is coming over to investigate the noise and card players.

(Also rolled an appearance descriptor for each PC, with Colourful for Morwen, Grim for Maximian and Odd for Albin)

Albin sees Reef, alerting Morwen of the bounty hunter. As Reef approaches, others in crowd notice him and a couple slip off fearfully. Reef is obviously known here! He tries intimidating Max, who coolly keeps playing cards, getting down to final two. (Succeeding an Erudition check at Disadvantage)

Albin slips off to take a look around, avoiding Reef. Spots someone waiting at the dock entrance to the Solitaire. Someone Albin recognises as a world-renowned explorer. A woman with distinctive hair and an ice imp pet. She chatting to a few patrons of the casino. She is Swirl Windward of the ship Windward.

Albin overhears her talking about an expedition she's putting together. Anyone who helps her find two fugitives is sure to get a place...

Back at the cards a rich kid steps in to protest Reef's presence , who gets a little distracted. Max wins at cards (burning Willpower down to d4), being congratulated by watchers.

Morwen tries running interference, talking to Reef, but it's not enough. (Asked oracle question, does anyone offer help? as Reef feared here...)

A hand falls on Albin's shoulder as he's returning. Limata, a human trader offers him and companions refuge on her boat, currently moored to the barge. Max and Albin collect winnings, but abandon their weapons that were left with security. As they escape on the Mojo, Reef stands glowering after them, threatening to find them.

Morwen retrieves her weapon and rejoins them a little later aboard the Mojo.

Scene 2 - A Deal is Made (Maximian WP is at d4, all else at full)

Proposed Beat - Discussing with Limata possible aid or bargain. Rolled 10 - Decrease the Intensity and tension.

Docked in a safe place, owned by an ally of Limata. The captain of the Mojo trades in ruins relics, knowledgeable about the Ruins. She sails with her goblin assistant and a sailor to manage the boat. Currently she wants to get out of Holsteinhaven.

The group offer to protect Linata and the Mojo, but first have to talk to someone named 'Slip' in the Night Market, which only traders can enter. Limata agrees to arrangement and can help them get in.

They stop at a market to buy simple supplies before next stop...

Scene 3 - The Night Market (Maximian WP is at d4, all else at full)

Proposed Beat - searching for Slip in Night Market, roll of 6 - cause confusion, doubts, disarray)

The Night Market has seen better days, drab and lots of rough-looking folk. Some point at the group (of adventurers) entering, whispering as Albin tries to locate Slip.

Inner part of the market is past a wooden barricade guarded by thugs. Use Limata's pass to pass by, carried by Biscuits (goblin assistant, mismatched features).

Albin locates Slip, the leader here (chaotic, very human) who wears a mix of clothes and accessories. Assumes Maximian is their leader and starts talking to him, but Morwen insists she's no the assistant.

Max smooths over problems, asking what Slip is after (Reason - Selfishness, Focus - Books / Lore). Wants them to get her a book from an island of heretical hermits, who study rectangles there. Has a dangerous reputation.

Morwen's interest is piqued, but Max pushes to get paid by Slip (critical failure, triggering a willpower check). Slip says deal is closed, they only get information when book is returned. The book is "Secrets of the Traitor Twelve".

(It was here that I discovered Disruption dice in PUM and started using them)

Slip points out someone looking for them and see Reef, the bounty hunter, across the Market, with a thug in tow. 😁

Maximian has now had enough of the bounty hunter (and I wanted to try out combat rules of Fléaux). Slip calls out for people to stay out of this. Biscuits the goblin flees back to the Mojo.

(Everyone fails Guts roll and goes after Reef) Reef is a mountain of a man, going for Max (using stats for an Ogre). The bodyguard manages to parry the huge axe swung at him. Alpin ducks the dagger thrown at him by the thug, who is quickly impaled on Morwen's spear, taken out of the fight.

The inner part of the Night Market starts shutting up, stopping access in and out.

Alpin retreats toward the Mojo, (triggering WP roll for taking same action twice and reducing down to d4). Max takes a blow from the axe, but he and Morwen manage to retreat to the boat too, avoiding a final thrown axe from the bounty hunter.

Scene 4 - The Rectangle Provides (WP of Max and Albin at d4, Max at hp 3 of 9)

A Random Beat 9- locate or trace a useful Finding (a gun). On the PUM plot sheet we entered the "Confrontation" part of the scenes, moving on from initial "Exposition"

Waiting on the ship, as Limata looks for cargo or passengers to take to Queenswood Isle, home of the mystics (no to cargo, extreme yes to passengers. 1 on disruption die, to find another useful finding of a friend far from home)

Max and Albin sit talking with Morven, asking who hired them. The goblin insists she still can't tell the, but that the shield is a powerful artifact. She in turn asks why they are being hunted... (Max has time for Short Rest, restoring some hp)

Max straight up tells her they killed an imperial officer while hunting for that same officer, on personal business (oracle roll - blackmail). They came here partly because Albin has contacts among the merchants of the city.

Morwen opens up about the shield, revealing possession should make her leader of the Rectangulons, at which the other two shrug in incomprehension.

Sounds of others alert them, as Limata and Biscuits return with several pilgrims. They are paying well to travel to Queenswood Isle, and among them is a face Morwen knows well. (Human, Farmer, Killed a noble, Shepherd).

She greets Morgan, who was her friend when they studied together as acolytes under the Prophet of the Shield. Morgan has been sent to help her, and has bought a gift, which when unwrapped of the cloth, reveals a musket!

(Changed Morgan career to Sorcerer's Apprentice, as wanted to try out magic system)

Everyone gets ready to set off to Queenswood Isle, home to heretical hermits!

Next Scene 5 - Random Proposal (WP of Max and Albin at d4, Max at hp 7 of 9)

Character and Notes

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Maximian Tertius

Human (Religious Institute) Bodyguard, Accused of hunting in a royal reserve. Thoughtful, dangerous, grim appearance, dressing smartly in black and red.

STR 9, DEX 9, ERU 11, CHA 11, GUT 8, MEL 11, SHO 10

HP 9. Can absorb damage taken by a close character.

Equipment: Light armour, staff, backpack, 28 shillings


Elf (Talking to foreign merchants) Burglar, Accused of killing a royal officer. Resourceful, distant, odd mismatch of clothes.

STR 12, DEX 11, ERU 9, CHA 12, GUT 10, MEL 9, SHO 11

HP 12. Advantage on Climbing, Lockpicking and Stealth.

Equipment: Sling, rope, grappling hook, mirror, 14 shillings


Goblin (Mines owned by elders) Mercenary, Accused of being an apostate. Ambitious, acolyte of Rectangulons, seeking the Rectangular Shield, wears rectangular pieces of colourful cloth.

STR 10, DEX 10, ERU 9, CHA 9, GUT 12, MEL 12, SHO 10

HP 10. Damage die +1 size.

Equipment: Light armour, knife, spear (d8), backpack, parchment, ink and quill, musket, 25 shillings.


  • Reef. Huge human (Ogre stats) bounty hunter, feared in Holsteinhaven, uses axes.
  • Swirl Windward. Owns ship the Windward. Famous explorer, distinctive hair, ice imp pet, putting together expedition.
  • Limata. Stinking human trader (foul incense). captain of the Mojo. Assistant and one sailor. Agreed to go where group goes, in return for protection. Believes Reef is after her.
  • Slip. Chaotic fence, mismatch of clothes, monstly runs the Night Market. Claims to know where the Rectangular Shield is.
  • Biscuits. Odd Goblin assistant of Limata. Mismatched features.
  • Morgan. Human sorcerer's apprentice, accused of killing a noble. Old, grew up on a farm, friend of Morwen, acolyte of the Rectangles. STR 11 DEX 10 ERU 11 CHA 9 GUT 11 MEL 10 SHO 9

Finishing Up

Hmm, interesting mix so far, liking both Fleuax and PUM. Lots of potential for trouble!