Mountain Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons 5e
D&D Encounters Mountain D&D Wilderness

Mountain Encounters for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Duncan Thomson

"As you follow the steep banks of a narrow river, two griffons wheel overhead. One of them is unsteady in the air, with a long gash down it's flank".

What wounded the griffon? Are they trying to get your attention?

Mountain Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

[Photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash] Updated from original article in 2018

Mountain Levels 1-4

1d8+1d12Mountain Levels 1-4
2 1d2 red dragon wyrmlings or 1d3 chokers (MToF)
3 1d saber-toothed tigers or 1d4+1 firenewts (VGtM)
4 2d4 winged kobolds or roll on Kobold Encounters
5 1d4 giant eagles or 1d3 aurochs (VGtM)
6 1 druid with 3d4 goats or 1 adult kruthik (MToF) with 1d8+2 young kruthiks (MToF)
7 1d6+1 orcs led by an orog or roll on Orc Encounters lvl 1-4
8 3d4+4 kobolds or roll on Kobold Encounters
9 3d6 guards led by a veteran or roll on Dwarf & Duergar Encounters
10 1d3 griffons or 2d4 aarakocra
11 2d4 giant goats or roll on Mountain Beasts
12 3d6 tribal warriors or 2d4 hippogriffs
13 1d3 ogres or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 1-4
14 1d6 scouts or Roll on Humanoid Encounters
15 1d4+1 swarms of bats or 1d3 bronze scouts (MToF)
16 1d2 lions or 1d4 stone cursed (MToF)
17 2d6 tribal warriors led by 1d4 berserkers; or 2d4+2 derro (MToF)
18 1 ettin or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 1-4
19 1d2 perytons or 2d4+2 star spawn grues (MToF)
20 1d4+1 pteranodons or 1 barghest (VGtM)

Mountain Encounters

Mountains encounters bring visions of snow-topped crags, mighty waterfalls, verdant valleys and cloud castles. Maybe encounters take place at a shallow cave, an old rope bridge or a clear mountain lake.

The roof of the world, they are often hard to navigate and pass along. They are the home of proud highland tribes, avian predators and mighty giants.

There is a 5e mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Mountain Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

All terrains - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | jungle | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

Mountain Levels 5-10

1d8+1d12Mountain Levels 5-10
2 1 young red dragon or 1 balhannoth (MToF)
3 2d6 giant eagles or 1 annis hag (VGtM) with 2d4 ogres
4 1 bulette or 2d4 vampiric mists (MToF)
5 1 chimera or 2d4 firenewts (VGtM) on giant striders (VGtM)
6 1d3 trolls served by 1d3+1 ogres; or 1 annis hag (VGtM) with 1d3 trolls
7 1d3 air elementals or 1 warlock of the great old one (VGtM) with 1d2 cult fanatics and 3d6 cultists
8 1 cyclops or 1 annis hag (VGtM)
9 3d6 orcs and 1d3 ogres led by 1 orc war chief or roll on Orc Mid-level Encounters
10 2d4 berserkers or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (VGtM)
11 Roll on Mountain Levels 1-4 table or 3d6 aurochs (VGtM)
12 1d3 stone giants or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 5-10
13 1d2 wyverns or 1 cloud giant smiling one (VGtM)
14 2d6 ogres or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 5-10
15 1d4 fire giants or 1 githzerai enlightened (MToF)
16 2d6 hell hounds or 2d6 duergar and 1 duergar xarrorn (MToF) led by 1 duergar warlord (MToF)
17 2d4 galeb duhr or 1d4 oaken bolters (MToF) guarded by 1 stone defender (MToF)
18 1d2 cloud giants or 1 githyanki gish (MToF)
19 2d4 perytons with 1 wyvern or 1d2 of the lonely (MToF)
20 1 roc or 1d2 of the lost (MToF)

Mountain Levels 11+

1d8+1d12Mountain Levels 11+
2 2 young silver dragons or 1 star spawn larva mage (MToF)
3 1 adult silver dragon or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)
4 3d4 berserkers mounted on giant eagles or 2d6 duergar hammerers (MToF) led by 1 duergar despot (MToF)
5 1 roc or 1d2 eidolons (MToF)
6 2d6+12 orcs with 1d3+1 orc eyes of Gruumsh led by 1 orc war chief mounted on a wyvern; or 1 balhannoth (MToF)
7 2d4 air elementals or 2d6 duergar stone guards (MToF) with 1d6+1 duergar screamers (MToF) led by 1 duergar warlord (MToF)
8 3d6 galeb duhr or a coven of 3 annis hags (VGtM) with 1d4 trolls
9 1d3+1 stone giants herding 3d6 giant goats or 1d4 stone giants led by 1 stone giant dreamwalker (VGtM)
10 1d6+1 fire giants with 2d6 hell hounds or 1 archdruid (VGtM) with... (roll on Beast Encounters)
11 Roll on Mountain Levels 5-10 table or roll on Giant High-level Encounters
12 2d6 veterans with 2d6 scouts or 1 dire troll (MToF)
13 1d3 frost giants leading 6d6 orcs or 4d6 ogrillons (half-ogres) led by 1 orc blade of ilneval (VGtM) with 1d3 tanarukks (VGtM)
14 1d2 cloud giants escorted by 1d6+2 frost giants or 1 ki-rin (VGtM)
15 1d3+2 wyverns or 1 phoenix (MToF)
16 2d6 frost giants or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 5-10
17 1 adult red dragon or 1 githyanki kith'rak (MToF) with 2d4+1 githyanki warriors
18 1d4+1 cloud giants or 1 star spawn seer (MToF) with 1d2 star spawn hulks (MToF) and 4d6 cultists
19 2 young red dragons or 1 githyanki supreme commander (MToF) mounted on a young red dragon
20 1 djinni and 1d3 air elementals or 1 red abishai (MToF)

Mountain Beasts (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Mountain Beasts Levels 1-4
2 1d4 hippogriffs or 1 basilisk
3 1d4 giant eagles
4 1d4+1 mountain apes or 1 giant elk
5 1d2 brown bears or 1d3 red guard drakes (VGtM)
6 1d6 lions
7 3d6 deer or 2d4 elk
8 1d4 swarm of bats or 1d3 aurochs (VGtM)
9 2d4 giant goats
10 1 eagle
11 4d6 goats
12 1d6 blood hawks
13 3d6 ponies
14 2d4 wolves or 1d3 black bears
15 2d6 llamas (goat stats)
16 1d4 saber-toothed tiger
17 1d4+1 pteranodons
18 1 pseudodragon or 1 quetzalcoatlus (VGtM)
19 2d6 stirges
20 1d3 griffons or 1 quetzalcoatlus (VGtM) with 1d4 pteranodons

Mountain Humanoids (Levels 1-4)

1d8+1d12Mountain Beasts Levels 1-4
2 1d3 duergar or 1 warlock of the archfey (VGtM) with 1d4+1 tribal warriors
3 4d6 guards lead by 1d3+1 veterans, with 1d2 scouts scouting
4 1 druid with... (roll on Mountain Beast Encounters)
5 1d6 berserkers; or 1 derro savant (MToF) with 2d4 derro (MToF)
6 1d6 orcs led by an ogre or roll on Orc Encounters lvl 1-4
7 1 scout with... (roll on Mountain Beast Encounters)
8 1d3 ogres or roll on Giant Encounters lvl 1-4
9 3d4+4 kobolds or roll on Kobold Encounters
10 3d6 guards led by 1 veteran
11 3d6 tribal warriors
12 1d6+1 orcs led by an orog or roll on Orc Encounters lvl 1-4
13 1d6 scouts or 1 meazel (MToF)
14 2d4 guards or 2d4 winged kobolds or 1d2 yetis
15 2d4 aarakocra or d3 firenewts (VGtM) mounted on giant striders (VGtM)
16 1d2 druids or 1 warlock of the archfey (VGtM)
17 2d6 tribal warriors led by 1d4 berserkers
18 1d3 druids and 1d3 scouts or 1 stone defender (MToF) guarding.. (roll again on Humanoid Encounters)
19 1d4 half-ogres or 1d2 firenewts led by 1 firenewt warlock of Imix (VGtM) mounted on a giant strider (VGtM)
20 1 ettin or 1 troll

Dwarf and Duergar Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Dwarf and Duergar Encounters Levels 1-4
2 1d2 dwarf berserkers or 1 duergar hammerer (MToF) with 1d2 duergar
3 1d2 duergar with 1 ogre carrying empty cages or 1 duergar screamer (MToF)
4 2d6 dwarf tribal warriors with 1 dwarf druid or 1d2 duergar hammerers (MToF)
5 1d4 duergar or 1 duergar xarrorn (MToF) with 1d2 duergar
6 2d4+2 dwarf guards or 1 duergar stone guard (MToF) with 1d2 duergar
7 1d3 duergar mercenaries with 1 giant spider or 1d4 duergar led by 1 duergar soulblade (MToF)
8 1d4 dwarf scouts guarding 1 merchant commoner or 1d2 duergar mind masters (MToF)
9 1d3+1 duergar with 1d4 orc slaves or 1 dwarf warlock of the archfey (VGtM)
10 1 dwarf knight with 1d4 dwarf guards or 1d2 duergar kavalrachni (MToF) mounted on female steeders (MToF)

Giant Encounters (Levels 1-4)

1d4+1d6Giant Encounters Levels 1-4
2 1 hill giant
3 1d2 half-ogres protecting 1d2 druids (or roll on Humanoid Encounters)
4 1 ettin with 3d6 goats or 1d2 ogre chain brutes (MToF)
5 1d4 half-ogres
6 1d3 ogres or 1 ogre battering ram (MToF)
7 1 ettin or 1d2 ogres led by 1 ogre bolt launcher (MToF)
8 1 ogre with... 1d2 lions (or roll on Beast Encounters)
9 1 troll or 1 ogre howdah (MToF) carrying 1d4 gnome guards or 1d4 derro (MToF)
10 1 ogre with 1d2 half-ogres

Giant Encounters (Levels 5-10)

1d4+1d6Giant Encounters Levels 5-10
2 1d3 frost giants served by 1d3 ogres
3 1d6+1 ogres led by 1 hill giant or 1d6 ogres and 1d4 ettins
4 1 cyclops with 2d4 giant goats or 2d6 ogres led by 1d2 ogre chain brutes (MToF)
5 1d3 stone giants or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (VGtM)
6 1d4+1 trolls or 1d4+1 ogres with 1d4 ogre bolt launchers (MToF) led by 1 ogre battering ram (MToF)
7 2d4 ogres led by 1d2 frost giants
8 1d4 frost giants or 1 annis hag (VGtM) with 1d2 trolls
9 1 cloud giant or 1 cloud giant smiling one (VGtM)
10 1d3 fire giants or 1 annis hag (VGtM) with 1d4 ogres

Giant Encounters (Levels 11+)

1d4+1d6Giant Encounters levels 11+
2 1 cloud giant mounted on a roc or 1 storm giant quintessent (VGtM)
3 1d6+1 frost giants escorting 1d2 cloud giants or 2d4 frost giants with 1 annis hag (VGtM)
4 2d4 stone giants or 1 stone giant dreamwalker guiding... (roll on Giant Mid-Level Encounters)
5 1d6+1 fire giants with 2d6 hell hounds or 1 fire giant dreadnought (VGtM)
6 1d4+2 trolls led by 1 frost giant or 1 stone giant dreamwalker (VGtM) guiding... (roll on Mountain Humanoids)
7 2d6 frost giants or 1d4 frost giants led by 1 Frost Giant Everlasting One (VGtM)
8 1d4+1 cloud giants or 1 cloud giant smiling one (VGtM) with 1d3 cloud giants
9 1d3+1 frost giants leading 3d4 ogres or 1d3 fire giants led by 1 fire giant dreadnought (VGtM)
10 1d2+1 cloud giants served by 1d3 stone giants or 1 dire troll (MToF)

More Encounters

There is a 5e Mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. For a PDF version of mountain encounters with more tables check out Mountain Encounters on DM's Guild.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.