Swamp Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e

Swamp Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e

Duncan Thomson
"A jetty with several old boats tied to it."

Tables for Combat Terrain and Minor Treasures and Encounter Complications  for Swamp Encounters. Result is from Swamp Encounter Complications.

Enhancements by terrain -  arctic | coastal | desert |  forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp  | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by James Haw on Unsplash]

Swamp Encounter Enhancements

What makes this swamp encounter unique?

Maybe there are frogs making a lot of noise or someone with a lantern nearby. There might be a rowing boat with a set of oars or slippery stepping stones.  A creature might use some dust of dryness or carry a supply of antitoxins.

There is a 5e Swamp random encounter generator at ChaosGen. For a PDF version of swamp encounters with more tables check out Swamp Encounters on DM's Guild.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Swamp Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Swamp Combat Terrain

1d8+1d12Swamp Combat Terrain
2 A tree with a corpse hanging from it (or a large nest)
3 A rocky outcrop
4 A tree which is rotten. Any large noise or impact near it will cause it to fall
5 A platform between two trees or fungi with harmless but concealing spores
6 A bubbling pool with frequent mud geysers
7 A canoe (or rowing boat) or a hedge of thorns
8 An area of quicksand (DMG pg 110)
9 A raft (or coracle) or a tree house with several hanging vines
10 A few trees with webs spread between them (DMG pg 105)
11 A bubbling pool of mud or a sunken ruined tower
12 Several hanging vines that lead up to trees (or a platform)
13 A rowing boat with a set of oars
14 A vent of flammable marsh gas or a half-submerged metal statue
15 A jetty with several old boats tied to it
16 Slippery stepping stones or a wasp nest
17 An overgrown shrine protected by a magic circle
18 An area of razorvine (DMG pg 110)
19 A treehouse with a rope ladder
20 A hidden cache (Perception check to spot if near) with Quaal's feather token - boat (or roll on Minor Swamp Treasures)

Swamp Minor Treasures

1d20Swamp Minor Treasures
2 A topaz that spins and floats when released above water. Worth 1000 gp
3 Elemental Gem (water)
4 1d3 vials of serpent venom (DMG) or crawler mucus
5 Dust of dryness or Oil of Slipperiness
6 A book about rare swamp insects and how to identify them. Worth 150 gp
7 Potion of Gaseous Form or 1d2 beans from a Bag of Beans
8 1d3 antitoxins
9 Scroll of Protection - Beasts or Undead
10 Artisan's tools (carpenter's, brewer's or woodcarver's)
11 1d4 Potions of Healing or 1d4 Potions of Water Breathing
12 1d4 nets or a musical instrument - drum
13 Spell Scroll of water walk (or giant insect)
14 A poisoner's kit (or alchemist's supplies)
15 Potion of Animal Friendship or Quaal's Feather Token - Swan Boat
16 2d4 vials of acid
17 Spell Scroll of control water (or contagion)
18 A bronze cauldron with decorations depicting an army attacking a castle. It has a large ornate ladle attached by a chain. Worth 250 gp
19 Potion of Vitality or Staff of the Python
20 1 dose of midnight tears (DMG) or wyvern poison

Swamp Encounter Complications

1d8+1d12Swamp Encounter Complications
2 There is a hallucinatory terrain (or programmed illusion) here
3 There are bullywugs (or roll on Swamp Humanoids) here (or nearby) as allies (or servants / mercenaries)
4 There is a glowing arcane eye belonging to a local spellcaster or hag
5 A jetty with several old boats tied to it or roll on Swamp Combat Terrain
6 There is a wight here (or roll on Swamp Spirits) that tries to pull creatures in to water where it hides
7 There is a platform between two trees or roll on Swamp Combat Terrain
8 There is someone with a lantern nearby or roll on Mysterious Lights
9 There is a vent of flammable marsh gas or roll on Swamp Combat Terrain
10 There are giant lizards here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For alternatives roll on Swamp Beasts
11 There is a boat (or a raft) adrift in the water
12 There are frogs here making a lot of noise. Go quiet if disturbed
13 There is flammable swamp gas or roll on Swamp Hazards and Obstacles
14 There are recent signs of creatures mounted on giant boars (or roll on an appropriate encounter table) in the area
15 Several kobold corpses float here, infected with disease or roll on Swamp Hazards & Obstacles
16 There are streams of flying glowing insects. They are harmless and attracted to movement and bright colors.
17 There is an area of razorvine (DMG pg 110) submerged in water or roll on Swamp Hazards and Obstacles
18 Area is cursed with of misfortune. Ability checks and attack rolls at Disadvantage unless creature protected from evil (or similar). Or the curse is removed from the area.
19 The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is hidden nearby). Roll on Magic Items - Swamp
20 There is a submerged ruin that is a crossing to the Shadowfell (or a portal to a lower plane)

More Encounters

There is a 5e Swamp random encounter generator at ChaosGen. For a PDF version of swamp encounters with more tables check out Swamp Encounters on DM's Guild.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.