Mountain Locations for D&D 5e Encounters
Mountain Encounter Locations D&D Wilderness

Mountain Locations for D&D 5e Encounters

Duncan Thomson
"This wide valley has stone markers with arcane runes. Most surround around a ravine which is sacred to a power of endurance. "

Tables for Wilderness, Semi-Civilised and Unusual Mountain locations. Result is from Mountain Unusual Locations.

Locations by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash]

Mountain Encounter Locations

Mountains range from forest covered heights and dry red peaks to snow white caps. The towering tops of stone dominated the lands around. Further down are found pass between the peaks, falls and rivers and foothills below.

There is a 5e Mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Mountain.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Mountain Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Mountain Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Mountain Wilderness Locations

d8+d12 Mountain Wilderness Locations
2 A frozen waterfall into a deep lake with an island (there is a rowing boat on the shore)
3 A grove of ash trees. There is a shallow pool (it is associated with an intelligent spider)
4 An overhanging cliff with sevral fir trees (there is a brisk wind from the north-east)
5 A few mossy saplings near a large rock (someone has left a piece of rope)
6 A waterfall into a sparkling lake (it is associated with a powerful fey)
7 An area of heath dotted with rocks (there are several shrubs)
8 A steep cliff with a spring that feeds into a stream (there is a pleasant smell lingering in the air)
9 An area of bright flowers by a fish-filled pool (it is blessed by a power of the moon)
10 A steep slope strewn with fallen trees (there are fresh tracks of more creatures nearby)
11 A turbulent stream (it is drizzly)
12 A patch of purple berries surrounded by heath (large snowflakes are falling)
13 An area of rock-strewn ground (currently there is thunder and lightning)
14 A meadow of red and blue flowers (there is a strong breeze from the east)
15 An area of cedar trees (the birds and animals have gone quiet)
16 A snow-capped cliff with a deep pool (it is touched by frost magic)
17 A rocky outcrop (by a small lake fed by a spring)
18 An ring of edible mushrooms by a smooth rock (someone has left a fur cloak)
19 A slippery slope with a patch of red moss (a thick fog covers the area)
20 A glacier of slippery ice (there is the corpse of a red dragon)

Mountain Semi-Civilised Locations

1d8+1d12Mountain Semi-Civilised Locations
2 A foreboding temple of a power of vengeance (by a giant bird statue)
3 A a part-buried statue in an unstable chasm (there is a rope bridge)
4 A dying vegetable garden (close to a newly-built watchtower)
5 A rock carved with the likeness of a giant (there is a poster looking for volunteers)
6 A dwarven mansion (near an area of red berries)
7 A disused quarry with large mud pools (close by is a grim monument)
8 A tunnel entrance surrounded by debris (a freezing mist is forming)
9 A mine entrance obscured by a patch of foliage (there is the body of a llama)
10 A ford across a raging river by a crooked tree (lying here is an empty barrel)
11 A bleak tower by a narrow stream (nearby is a small beast pen)
12 A wooden bench with a spectacular view (snow is falling)
13 A shrine to a power of community by a pretty waterfall (close by is an old wooden bridge)
14 A covered hole surrounded by bracken (there are the bones of a hawk)
15 A citadel by a chasm with a rope bridge (close by is a shrine to a power of caves)
16 A cursed watchtower (a storm is approaching)
17 A dilapidated barn (there is writing here in Draconic)
18 A sheltered wooden bridge surrounded by sedge (someone has left a walking stick)
19 A monastery atop an overhanging cliff (nearby is a dwarven tomb)
20 A glacial valley dotted with ruins (the area is associated with fey magic)

Mountain Unusual Locations

1d8+1d12Mountain Unusual Locations
2 A goat trail leads through a valley dotted with flowers. Water from several springs form a stream that disappears into a sinister cave.
3 An old mine entrance is overgrown with Razorvine (DMG pg 110). There are giant footprints in the surrounding rocky ground.
4 The Nesting Towers. Amongst the ruins of a monastery are many animal bones. At the top of a few standing towers are griffon nests.
5 This wide valley has stone markers with arcane runes. Most surround around a ravine which is sacred to a power of endurance.
6 A waterfall descends from the clouds into a glittering lake. On its edge stand animal totems left by a local druid.
7 Fish and other sea creatures can be seen swimming inside a glacier of blue ice. As creatures approach, an ocean scent grows stronger.
8 Moon Observatory. Steep stones steps lead to a domed dwarven building. A lever starts mechanisms that raise a platform far higher.
9 On one bank of a sparkling stream are objects and debris from eras past and present. A water spirit adds any new finds to the collection.
10 A sheltered campsite sits by a small pond. Folded wolfskin blankets lie under a large rock. A marker identifies a trail to a mountain pass.
11 A stream winds among a grove of large conifers. There is a ford across but the water changes color a little downstream.
12 Skies Shore. A pile of rocks makes a shrine on the shore of a wide lake. Islands move around it, sometimes floating slowly away.
13 A blue stone statue of a giant stares over the meeting of two rivers.
14 Jagged red cliffs surround a gloomy quarry. A plaque tells of it being abandoned after mysterious voices led miners to their deaths.
15 Imposing gray cliffs are covered in a pulsating yellow moss. At the foot of the cliffs are corpses and skeletons of giants.
16 Wildlands Bridge. An stone bridge of elven design crosses a chasm. Locals speak of a week each year when it leads to another realm.
17 Shelves of spiky green fungi grow around a cave entrance. Jagged gouges mark the ground and sense of foreboding hovers in the area.
18 At the top of a deep gorge is a wrecked black coach. A shadowy mist clings to the remains and spreads down one side of the gorge.
19 Amongst a meadow of tall grass is a solitary windmill with stained glass windows. As its blades turn they produce a wailing noise.
20 The Fiend's Garden. A strange mound of red and orange stones stands among old ruins. Fires spring up at random around the area.

More Encounters and Locations

There is a 5e Mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Mountain.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Mountain Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.