Mountain Non-Combat Encounters, NPCs and Hazards for 5e
Mountain D&D Non-Combat Encounters D&D Wilderness

Mountain Non-Combat Encounters, NPCs and Hazards for 5e

Duncan Thomson
"Several commoners are searching for signs of their livestock. Another hour of searching reveals recent tracks of giants."

Tables for Non-Combat Encounters, Quick NPCs and Hazards & Obstacles for Mountain. Result is from Mountain Non-Combat Encounters.

Non-combat by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Neil Rosenstech on Unsplash]

Mountain Non-Combat, NPCs & Hazards

You can never be sure who you'll meet in the mountains. Join acolytes seeking a lake with healing powers or help a dryad seeking to return bagpipes. Meet NPCs from a vain aarakocra artist to a toothless berserker obsessed with climbing. Deal with avalanches, narrow trails and slippery ice.

There is a 5e Mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. For a PDF version of mountain encounters with more tables check out Mountain Encounters on DM's Guild.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Mountain Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Mountain Non-Combat Encounters

1d8+1d12Mountain Non-Combat Encounters
2 A hairy troll (Speaks Goblin, Dwarvish) tends a herd of goats and has named them all. Challenges people to a game of jumping off cliffs.
3 A galeb duhr is in a longstanding and slow-moving argument with a mountain, about a cave. They try to explain this to the group.
4 An old gladiator is enjoying the view. Has retired here after a successful fighting career. Talks of local legend and past glories.
5 An outcast sahuagin priestess (Speaks Common) is the guardian of a waterfall. Friendly with local druids and seek news of wider world.
6 A wounded manticore has been chained to a rock as a sacrifice for giants. Beg for help and promises non-existent treasure as reward.
7 A group of acolytes seek a famed lake said to have healing waters. Some of them bear a magical curse or disease.
8 A gargoyle is trying to hire themselves out as an artist's model. Has written references and keen to show off own stone carving work.
9 An awakened hawk (Int 10) offers its services as a scout and guide.
10 Several commoners are searching for signs of their livestock. Another hour of searching reveals recent tracks of giants.
11 A group of guards (Athletics +3) are training for upcoming games. A variety of physical challenges which strangers are welcome to join.
12 An orog (Armor Class 11, Religion +3) has replaced its plate with brown robes and is preaching about one of the dwarven gods.
13 A goblin boss on a wolf is a trader in cute animals, furs and puppets.
14 A dryad can't leave her grove of trees and asks travelers to deliver a lost set of bagpipes to a nearby settlement. Left by an admirer.
15 A wight is searching for its tomb in the surrounding valleys. Wants to return its sword and helm there before someone else destroys it.
16 Two cloud giants know of a local renowned silversmith and want a go-between as they don't want to scare the locals.
17 A winged kobold (or kobold inventor - VGtM) has several modified hunting traps they want help in trying out.
18 A group of flying killer whales (fly 60 ft.) follow the clouds. One of them is curious about the group and follows them for a day or so.
19 A thug from nearest city is bruised and battered, left to starve by locals. Depserate to change course of the life and get out of debt.
20 A friendly bulette adorned with bangles thinks it is a dog. Plays with local children and digs tunnels around the nearby village.

Mountain Quick NPCs

1d4+1d6Mountain Quick NPCs
2 Agis is a fierce half-ogre with several large weapons. They have an affinity for bears and want to find owlbear cubs to raise.
3 Lian is a stern mage with expressive eyes. They are building a tower atop a nearby cliff and have fallen in love with a local.
4 Nalral is a heartbroken dwarf veteran who hasn't washed for a long time. They speak several languages and want to share terrible poetry in Giant and Terran.
5 Luikrata is a vain aarakocra artisan wearing many ribbons. They have many friends in the area and love to talk of far-off places.
6 Zija is a friendly tribal warrior with a bright mask. They are proud of their drinking prowess and attempt to teach strangers local dances.
7 Kethra is a blunt druid with a twin pair of tattooed goats. They have family throughout the local area and are always asking intrusive questions.
8 Alhandra Ogresbane is an old berserker with no teeth. They always sleep outdoors and are planning their next daring climbing expedition.
9 Grigis is an animated kenku who is always smoking a pipe. They want to journey to the highest places nearby but are scared of heights.
10 Mamnen is a laughing noble with many layers of expensive clothes. Trouble always follows them and they are attracted to one of the characters.

Mountain Hazards and Obstacles

1d8+1d12Mountain Hazards and Obstacles
2 A portal to an elemental plane (air or earth) or cave that is a crossing to the Feywild
3 An area of sharp stones (treat as spike stones)
4 A stampede of mountain ponies (or giant goats)
5 Fissure opens up in the ground
6 A ravine disguised by a hallucinatory terrain
7 Strong winds (Strong Wind - DMG pg 110)
8 An avalanche near or by the PCs
9 Heavy rain (or snow) (Heavy Precipitation - DMG pg 110)
10 A narrow path along the top of a cliff
11 A thunderstorm
12 A bridge is in bad repair and ready to collapse
13 A heavy (or ghostly) mist descends around party
14 Earth tremors (from an earthquake, earth elemental, cavern collapse etc)
15 Area of slippery ice (DMG pg 110) or an area of razorvine blocks the way (DMG pg 110)
16 Signs of something dangerous. Recent tracks or other marks of... (roll or choose from Mountain Encounters Levels 11+)
17 Snow blizzard and 50% chance of a creature encounter (roll on appropriate encounter table)
18 An earthquake causing fissures to open, avalanches and damage to structures
19 An area protected by forbiddance (or hallow)
20 Flash floods or an ancient stone statue that can cause a geas

More Encounters

There is a 5e Mountain random encounter generator at ChaosGen. For a PDF version of mountain encounters with more tables check out Mountain Encounters on DM's Guild.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

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