Hill Encounter Locations for Dungeons and Dragons 5e
Hill Encounter Locations D&D Hinterlands

Hill Encounter Locations for Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Duncan Thomson
"A broken trail passes along a ridge overlooking a quarry. Blocks of marble lie untouched for years. From a crevice comes soft singing. "

Tables for Wilderness, Semi-Civilised and Unusual Hill locations. Result is from Hill Unusual Locations.

Locations by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash]

Hill Encounter Locations

Hills could be rolling green farmland, dusty foothills of snowcapped mountains or misty moors topped by grey rocks. Places of stepped fields, rugged hill farms, ancient barrows, gaping cave mouths and sheltering valleys.

There is a 5e Hill random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Hill.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Hill Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Hill Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Hill Wilderness Locations

d8+d12 Hill Wilderness Locations
2 A river flowing around a barren hill (close by is a foreboding citadel)
3 A waterfall into a clear lake. There is a patch of red berries (the area is protected by a ghost)
4 A high hill beside a narrow chasm (which is associated with earth magic)
5 A grove of dying trees near a muddy spring (it is misty)
6 A stony outcrop surrounded by heath (there is writing here in Gnomish)
7 A meadow of flower-dotted grass (there is a rainbow)
8 A beautiful pool fed by a spring and surrounded by pine saplings (there is a patch of glowing golden flowers)
9 A pile of rocks surrounded by mud (nearby is a field of black grass)
10 An area of mud and shrubs buzzing with insects (a few large stones are scattered around)
11 A cave entrance near a weathered rock (someone has left a scythe)
12 An area of rock-strewn ground dotted with pink berries (nearby is a fish-filled pond)
13 A few exposed saplings beside a shallow stream (close by is a flint quarry)
14 An area of oak saplings and a spring (there are the bones of an ogre)
15 A broad valley dotted with cave mouths (there are howling winds)
16 A few mossy trees surrounded by bare rock (close by is an area of fungi)
17 A low hill covered in sedge and large stones (locally it is associated with ravens)
18 A deep ditch running through an area of heath (something is calling for help nearby)
19 A patch of enchanted purple flowers among an area of sedge and shrubs (nearby is a crumbling barn)
20 Two hills with a wooded valley between them (the sky is filled with clouds in strange shapes)

Hill Semi-Civilised Locations

1d8+1d12Hill Semi-Civilised Locations
2 An overgrown temple to a power of craft (there is an poem here in Draconic)
3 A small beast pen by the ruins of a mill (there is a bloodstained corpse)
4 A low wall beside a garden of large flowers (there is a harmless mass of ants approaching)
5 A stone bridge over a deep river. At one end is a shrine to a power of travel (heavy rain is falling)
6 A few hillside strips planted with different crops (close by is a mound of rocks)
7 A field of crops beside a turbulent river with a ferry (there is a warm wind from the south-west)
8 A barricaded mine entrance beside a fish-filled pond (there are warnings here in Goblin)
9 A wooden path up a steep slope to a hut (nearby is the fresh corpse of a humanoid)
10 A rocky slope with a shrine to a power of fertility (there is bright sunshine)
11 A wooden bench overlooking a fish-filled stream (nearby is an old barn)
12 A well and four stunted saplings by a cave entrance (someone has left a basket of vegetables)
13 A slate quarry and a dying campfire (there is a hidden tunnel entrance)
14 A hamlet painted in bright colors (there is a pleasant smell lingering in the air)
15 An cairn of mismatched stones, surrounded by short grass (a mist is forming)
16 A dilapidated windmill beside a deep pond (which is sacred to a power of harvest)
17 A ford through a rocky river. There are three mushroom rings (nearby is a hot springs)
18 A sheltered hamlet built on a steep slope (there is a storm approaching)
19 An ancient road littered with horse bones (close by is a wooden bridge)
20 A disused flint quarry overgrown with ferns (nearby is a magical hut)

Hill Unusual Locations

1d8+1d12Hill Unusual Locations
2 The whitewashed farmstead amongst lush orchards. Wooden "For Sale" sign. Locally known for misfortunes of successive owners.
3 White cliffs cris-crossed with veins of blue and red stone. A rare flower grows on a few ledges, known for potent healing powers.
4 Vale of Voices. Rainbows are in this valley of colorful vegetation. Blessed by a power of fertility, enchanting voices are heard at night.
5 A garden of stone statues overlooks a wooded gorge. Legends tell of eldritch wolves that prowl here at night.
6 Giant ruins are disguised by a mirage arcana as a green meadow. Many birds are drawn to the ruins and are curious about strangers.
7 A waterfall runs down a cliff of iron and bronze. A moving platform nearby contains levers and dials labeled in Dwarvish.
8 Traveler's Glory. A long walkway spirals up a hill to a kneeling statue. Several stone benches are placed to enjoy the impressive views.
9 A humanoid chalk figure of is carved into the hillside. There is a hut nearby. Locals gather here on full moons for a night-long festival.
10 An area of quarried stone has signs of recent use. One area has been filled with water and is home to several rowing boats.
11 Geometric shapes are carved into the hillside, their origin debated by locals. A steep cliff has a sealed cave marked with Infernal runes.
12 Goatherd's Castle. A ancient hill fort is dotted with grassy barrows, with remains of weapons and old battles. Many goats graze here
13 A field of mud surrounds a flower garden. At it's center is a cairn. A stone tablet has the ballad of a trickster and their cursed mule.
14 A grove of trees marks a stream feeding into a shimmering river. An archway of thorns serves as a bridge. Fey are often sighted here.
15 A crystal mountain juts from an overhanging cliff. Rituals of Elemental Earth are performed here. There is a parly-built tower.
16 The Shadow Stones. A whispering river is filled with red fish. Stepping stones cross here, watched over by a malevolent spirit.
17 In a shallow lake is an island of gray stone. Winged creatures nest here, the boldest found in a crumbling aviary at the center.
18 A broken trail passes along a ridge overlooking a quarry. Blocks of marble lie untouched for years. From a crevice comes soft singing.
19 Squat tombs are built into a steep hill. At the top is a monument and a shrine with fresh offerings. Inscriptions mention a local family.
20 Titan's Hollow. A crater holds the bones of a terrible monster. Eyes are drawn to a blue citadel covered with elven (or strange) murals.

More Encounters and Locations

There is a 5e Hill random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including Hill.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Hill Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.