Hill Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e
Hill D&D Hinterlands D&D Wilderness

Hill Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e

Duncan Thomson
"There is an entrance to a disused mine here"

Tables for Combat Terrain and Minor Treasures and Encounter Complications for Hill Encounters. Result is from Hill Encounter Complications.

Enhancements by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash]

Hill Encounter Enhancements

What makes this hill encounter different?

There might be a stack of precariously balanced rocks or a muddy slope. A creature might have hourglasses marked with dwarven runes or a potion of hill giant strength with them. There might be a cave with a portal to another realm or hill giant tracks less than an hour old.

There is a 5e Hill random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Hill Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Hill Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Hill Combat Terrain

1d8+1d12Hill Combat Terrain
2 An unstable mine entrance
3 The ruins of a farmstead or a deep crack in the ground
4 A large rock ready to roll down a slope
5 A cave entrance sheltered by a hedge or a rope bridge over a chasm
6 Steps leading to a belltower
7 A barn with arrows sticking out of one side or a line of trees
8 A watchtower with a ready to light beacon
9 A set of steps leading to a shallow cave or a pool with steep sides
10 A muddy slope (difficult terrain)
11 A beast pen holding donkeys or a steep and narrow trail
12 A sheltered wooden shack
13 A wooden (or stone) bench or a wall topped with metal spikes
14 A stack of precariously balanced rocks
15 Top of a cliff or an overturned wagon
16 A deep pond with shiny stones at the bottom
17 Bottom of a cliff with plentiful handholds or stepping stones over a stream
18 A wide well with a rope and bucket
19 A mine cart and tracks
20 A hidden cache (Perception check to spot if near) with an elemental gem - earth (or roll on Minor Hill Treasures)

Hill Minor Treasures

1d20Hill Minor Treasures
2 A clockwork mule the size of a cat. Moves slowly for 1 minute with 10 minutes of working a charging mechanism. Worth 1250 gp
3 Potion of Superior Healing or Potion of Gaseous Form
4 2d6 casks of a renowned local cider. Worth 50 gp each
5 Potion of Animal Friendship or Potion of Heroism
6 A set of finely made smith's tools, marked with the rune of a legendary gnome. Worth 250 gp
7 Elemental Gem (earth)
8 1d6 vials of acid
9 Potion of Hill Giant Strength or Potion of Growth
10 Artisan's tools (brewer's supplies, mason's tools or jeweler's tools)
11 1d4 Potions of Healing or 1d4 Potions of Climbing
12 1d6 tiger eyes (or banded agates) worth 10 gp each.
13 Spell Scroll of meld into stone (or revivify)
14 Alchemist's supplies or tinker's tools
15 Elixir of Health or Quaal's Feather Token - Tree
16 2d6 hourglasses, each bearing a Dwarven rune
17 Scroll of Protection - Beasts (or Elementals)
18 An ornate shepherd's crook inlaid with jade and jet. Worth 750 gp
19 Spell Scroll of wall of stone (or earthquake)
20 1d3 diamonds in a pouch bearing writing in Terran. Worth 500 gp each

Hill Encounter Complications

1d8+1d12Hill Encounter Complications
2 There is a hallucinatory terrain (or Mordenkainen's magical mansion) here
3 There are scouts (or roll on Hill Humanoids) here (or nearby) as allies (or servants / mercenaries)
4 There is a hidden item (or cache) here. A potion of hill giant strength or roll on Minor Hill Treasures
5 There are steps leading to a belltower or roll on Hill Combat Terrain
6 There is a second group of creatures nearby (roll again on the appropriate encounter table)
7 There is a stack of precariously balanced rocks or roll on Hill Combat Terrain
8 There are giant weasels here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For alternatives roll on Hill Beasts
9 There is a beast pen holding donkeys or roll on Hill Combat Terrain
10 There is a prisoner in the encounter or a lone traveler nearby. Roll on Quick Hill NPCs
11 A group of dwarf (or human) guards (or veterans) is approaching. One or more are mounted on mules.
12 There are recent tracks of giants (or roll on an appropriate encounter table) in the area
13 There is a mudslide (or rockslide); or roll on Hill Hazards and Obstacles
14 There is an entrance to a disused mine here (or visible nearby).
15 Hail (or snow) is falling or roll on Hill Hazards & Obstacles
16 Nearby is a group of hill giants (or pick from Hill Encounters Level 11+) those encountered try not to disturb.
17 The are is protected by a forbiddance (or hallow); or roll on Hill Hazards and Obstacles
18 The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is hidden nearby). Roll on Magic Items - Hill
19 There is a group of adventurers of similar (or lower) level to the party in the area. They have a connection to the encounter.
20 There is a cave with a portal to the Elemental Plane of Earth (or acts as a Shadowfell crossing).

More Encounters

There is a 5e Hill random encounter generator at ChaosGen. There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Hill Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.