Arctic Non-Combat Encounters, NPCs and Hazards for DnD 5e
Arctic D&D Non-Combat Encounters Winter Theme

Arctic Non-Combat Encounters, NPCs and Hazards for DnD 5e

Duncan Thomson
"A few tribal warriors invite characters to join in their fishing contest."

Tables for Non-Combat Encounters, Quick NPCs and Hazards & Obstacles for arctic. Result is from Arctic Non-Combat Encounters.

Non-combat by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash]

Arctic Non-Combat, NPCs & Hazards

Combat isn't the only option in the arctic. A sociable yeti might show off its collection of ivory or a half-ogre might pay gold to help capture reindeer. Meet NPCs from a dwarf ski champion to a mage searching for creatures who worship fireballs. Deal with avalanches or avoid mammoth stampedes, crevasses and plunging into icy pools.

There is a 5e arctic random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including arctic.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Arctic Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Arctic Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | complications

Arctic Non-Combat Encounters

1d8+1d12Arctic Non-Combat Encounters
2 A beholder is trying to carve it's name into the surrounding ice using a disintegration ray. It needs help spelling it's name in Common.
3 A revenant (Speed 15 ft.) is hindered by cold and asks help finding vengeance against a white dragon.
4 A guardian naga (History +7) wants news and engaging conversation.
5 A poltergeist is bound to a pool. Any who pass hear the same riddle.
6 A lonely young white dragon asks many questions about other dragons they have met and of the other colors of dragons.
7 A cambion mercenary is looking for spirits or fiends of winter to work for. Escapes with plane shift if threatened.
8 A ghost can't find rest until a song is played on its broken lute.
9 A friendly umber hulk (speaks Common) is digging tunnels through rock and ice. It hopes to connect several local landmarks.
10 A miserable starving owlbear with white fur is chained to a rock. Will be loyal to any who feed it and bears an Orcish brand.
11 A sociable yeti speaks Giant, sharing its a collection of carved ivory.
12 A few tribal warriors invite characters to join in their fishing contest.
13 A grim dwarf berserker has sworn to die fighting an arctic monster. Wants someone to witness their death and inform their family.
14 Several gnome bandits seek help to salvage their crashed airship.
15 An awakened wolf (speaks Common) requests help hunting down large game. It has adopted several hungry animals it wants to feed.
16 A group of nobles in warm clothing look out of place. They are led by a mage who is giving them a tour of the area's landmarks.
17 An outcast salamander looks for other fire creatures. Has sworn an oath to stay in cold lands until it has forged a magical weapon.
18 A large half-ogre offers some gold to help capture reindeer to pull their sleigh
19 A hairless wererat is trying to lift a curse. They have memories that belong to someone else of a citadel of bone and ice.
20 A frost giant offers to share eggs of a remorhaz nest it is looking for.

Arctic Quick NPCs

1d4+1d6Arctic Quick NPCs
2 Hadarai is a flamboyant lamia with a bright red hat. They stole an item from a desert god and are hiding in cold lands to escape their wrath.
3 Miotri is a good-looking gladiator (Survival +3) with a glowing spear. They capture arctic creatures to be domesticated or put on display.
4 Dee Greenleaf is a halfling commoner with several ivory rings. They are a renowned carver of ivory and are looking for commissions.
5 Sariel is a tribal warrior (Animal Handling +3) with missing fingers. They fuss over all animals and are training two young axebeaks.
6 Hennet is a slender half-orc thug with nature-themed jewelry. outlaw hiding out. wanted currently trying to predict the weather.
7 Brottor is a mumbling dwarf scout on skis. They are known locally for their skiing feats and are currently training for a long expedition.
8 Mord is a scarred bugbear chief (Survival +4) with a painted mask and a dire wolf companion. They serve as a ranger for local settlements.
9 Scratch is a tall tiefling were-tiger with long fingers. They hate the cold but are here working for a powerful faction.
10 Marcon is a stern mage with oily hair. They are a hardened drinker and are currently seaching for creatures said to worship fireballs.

Arctic Hazards and Obstacles

1d8+1d12Arctic Hazards and Obstacles
2 An earthquake causing crevasses to open, avalanches and damage to structures
3 An area of wild magic (half of spells cast in area trigger a Wild Surge - as wild magic sorcerer)
4 Vivid colored lights fill the sky
5 An avalanche near or by the PCs
6 Ice over a chasm (or lake) warded with an explosive runes spell
7 A stampede of reindeer (or mammoths)
8 Snow blizzard and 50% chance of a creature encounter (roll on appropriate encounter table) a song is played on its broken lute.
9 Tracks leading through an area of thin ice (Thin Ice - DMG pg 110)
10 A heavy (or freezing) mist descends around the group
11 Snow (heavy precipitation, DMG pg 110)
12 Slippery area leading down cliff or slope (Slippery Ice - DMG pg 110)
13 Shrieking winds (Strong Wind - DMG pg 110)
14 Covered simple pit (DMG pg 122)
15 Signs of something dangerous. Recent tracks or other marks of... (roll or choose from Arctic Encounters Levels 11+)
16 An old cairn (or burial mound or shrine) that can cause a curse (as bestow curse)
17 Crevasse opens up near or under the group
18 A cursed shrine surrounded by desecrated ground (DMG pg 110). Lingering attracts a wraith (or roll on Arctic Spirits)
19 Thunder and lightning
20 An old cairn (or burial mound or shrine) that can cause a geas

More Encounters and Locations

There is a 5e arctic random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And a separate tool for encounter locations including arctic.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Arctic Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.