Arctic Encounter Complications and Activities for DnD 5e
Arctic D&D Wilderness Winter Theme

Arctic Encounter Complications and Activities for DnD 5e

Duncan Thomson
"There is a pool with a layer of thin ice ."

Tables for Encounter Complications, Encounter Activities or States and Encounter Sentient Activity for the arctic. Result is from Arctic Encounter Complications.

Enhancements by terrain - arctic | coastal | desert | forest | grassland | hill | mountain | swamp | underdark | underwater | urban

[Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash]

Arctic Encounter Complications and Activities

What makes this arctic encounter different?

Maybe they there is an overturned sleigh here or a creature is wearing boots of the winterlands Maybe they sheltering from a snow storm or suffering from frostbite. Or they could be making snowmen or sled racing.

There is a 5e arctic random encounter generator at ChaosGen.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Arctic Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

Arctic Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | complications

Arctic Encounter Complications

1d8+1d12Arctic Encounter Complications
2 The area is affected by a mirage arcana (or forbiddance) spell
3 Nearby is a powerful creature those encountered try not to disturb. Roll or pick a result from Arctic Encounters Level 11+
4 There is a hallucinatory terrain (or progammed illusion) spell here
5 There are humanoids as allies, servants, mercenaries or prisoners (or are nearby) roll on Arctic Humanoids
6 There is an snow-covered entrance, concealed tunnel or secret door to a cave, cavern complex, tomb or other underground area.
7 There is a second group of creatures nearby (roll again on the appropriate encounter table)
8 There is an overturned sleigh here or roll on Arctic Combat Terrain
9 Arctic spirits are nearby. Roll on Arctic spirits lvl 1-4 (or 5-10)
10 There are recent tracks of other creatures in the area (roll again on the appropriate encounter table)
11 There is a pool with a layer of thin ice (Thin Ice - DMG pg 110) or roll on Arctic Combat Terrain
12 Snow is falling and roll again or roll on Arctic Hazards & Obstacles
13 There are beasts as pets / guards (or nearby). Roll on Arctic Beasts
14 A freezing mist covers the area or roll on Arctic Hazards & Obstacles
15 The creatures are carrying a magic item or it is hidden nearby. Roll on Magic Items - Arctic
16 There is a prisoner in the encounter or a lone traveler nearby. Roll on Quick Arctic NPCs
17 Vivid lights fill the sky or roll on Arctic Hazards & Obstacles
18 There is a hidden item or cache here. Roll on Minor Arctic Treasures
19 There is an elemental (or planar) portal here or there is a crossing to the Shadowfell or Feywild here
20 There is a group of adventurers of similar level or lower level to the party in the area. They have a connection to the encounter.

Arctic Encounter Activities or States

1d4+1d6Arctic Encounter Activities or State
2 One of them is a shapechanger or one or more of them is cursed
3 One of them is mutilated (or mutated) in some way
4 One or more are injured (not at full hit points or reduced speed) or one or more of them is infected with a disease
5 They are investigating (or playing with) an item (roll on Arctic Mundane Items or Arctic Minor Treasures)
6 They are being noisy or they are waiting for someone / something
7 They are fleeing a nearby danger, disaster or other threat
8 One or more of them is hindered by the cold (disadvantage on physical actions)
9 They are hiding from (or watching) a nearby threat
10 They are sheltering from bad weather or one of them is larger than normal (extra hit points)
11 They are resting or eating
12 They are playing in the snow or attempting to catch fish
13 They are searching the area for sustenance or a companion
14 They are near their home (or lair) or are making a new home or lair
15 They are getting ready for hibernation (or a long rest)
16 They are stalking (or being stalked by) something or exploring area
17 One or more are close to death or close to giving birth
18 They are drinking (or collecting) from a water source or cleaning / washing themselves
19 They are partway through (or starting) a journey or migration
20 They are investigating a dead body (roll on Quick Arctic NPCs)

Arctic Encounter Sentient Activity

1d8+1d12Arctic Encounter Sentient Activity
2 They are holding a funeral or spying on something
3 They are playing a game which involves ice (or snow) or they are yodeling
4 They display the symbol of a local deity (or faction)
5 They are talking with someone (roll on Quick Arctic NPCs) or they are intoxicated
6 They are searching for a person (or place) or making ice sculptures
7 They are hiding from something or one or more are telling a story
8 They are fishing or they are climbing
9 They are making snow figures or having a celebration
10 They are hunting a beast or they are making music
11 They are foraging for sustenance (or herbs)
12 They are building a shelter or relaxing
13 They are following a guide (or trail)
14 They are putting up (or taking down) tents or they are building something
15 They are skiing or they are performing a ritual
16 They are preparing (or consuming) food or playing with a pet
17 They are on (or pulling) a sled (or sleigh)
18 They are waiting in ambush for someone or having an argument
19 They are on patrol or creating some kind of art
20 They are searching for the party or other adventurers

More Encounter Tables

There is a 5e arctic random encounter generator at ChaosGen.

There is also a pdf of these and more tables at the DM's Guild as Arctic Encounters.

Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Ruins Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.