A d20 Emulator, Looking at Changed Scenes and Events
Solo RPGs Publishing Random Tables Oracles and Emulators

A d20 Emulator, Looking at Changed Scenes and Events

Duncan Thomson

Part of the delight of solo is doing our own thing. and experimenting with parts.

In a previous post I was experimenting with a solo emulator, suited to my own style. That's still being updated.

Changed Scene

With many emulators you describe the next scene you envisage in your solo adventure, and then check to see if the expected happens. Or not.

As I'm annoyed when I have to make more die rolls than needed, I've tried to fit the check and outcome into one table. To see if the scene is changed, interrupted and check for an event, its all on one table!

Usually the roll is 1d20, but if the characters are in desperate circumstances, then roll with Advantage (two d20s, drop the lowest). If they are in controlled or fortunate circumstances, roll with Disadvantage (two d20s, drop the highest).

1d20Chaos Emulator - is the scene changed?
1-4 No, the scene starts as expected
5 No, but an Event occurs
6-10 No, the scene starts as expected
11 Yes, a major detail is better / worse
12 Yes, an extra is involved / here
13 Yes, hostile forces oppose you
14 Yes, an obstacle blocks the way
15 Yes, the environment is different. And an Event occurs
16 Yes, a thread is involved
17 Yes...Wouldn't it be bad if...
18 Yes, reveal an unwelcome truth?
19 Yes, all is not as it seems or an extra is involved
20 Yes, the danger increases. And either an Event occurs or roll again.

The results need a little updating / changing around. And I would like to have two possible outcomes for when there is a change.

Generating an event

An event is something that can interrupt whatever is currently happening.

Normally roll 1d20. If things are looking bad for your character(s), roll with Disadvantage (two d20s, drop the highest). But if things are really good at the moment roll with Advantage (two d20s, drop the highest).

1d20Rand Roll Emulator Yes / No
1 Group negative
2 An Extra becomes a rival or foe
3 The danger increases
4 Foreshadow trouble
5 A Thread becomes more complicated and roll 1d20 again (once more only)
6 An unexpected encounter
7 An extra takes action
8 Positive for an Extra
9 A new Thread or an Extra takes Action
10 A Thread becomes more complicated
11 Group positive and negative
12 Negative for an Extra
13 A companion joins or leaves
14 A Thread is closed
15 A Thread becomes more complicated and roll 1d20 again (once more only)
16 A Thread splits or two threads merge
17 Thread progress
18 A new Extra is revealed
19 A boon occurs
20 Group positive

Again the results need a little updating / changing around.

More Thoughts

It seems strange that rolling with "Advantage" is if you are in control. I might have to reverse the way some of the tables roll or look at the terminology.

In addition to my definitions last time of Threads and Extras, I need to define Boons (or just describe it in the table)

In addition these may need some sort of small explanation. Or more text in the table. But I want to keep the whole system to one page!

Finishing Up

I'm slowly getting towards publishing my own free / pay-what-you-want emulator for solo. Time to try it out and tweak a bit again.

But it's also time to try one or two more emulators!