Shadowfell Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e
Shadowfell D&D Planar

Shadowfell Encounter Combat Terrain, Treasures and Complications for 5e

Duncan Thomson
There is a hallucinatory terrain disguising a pool of thick black mud

Tables for Combat Terrain, Minor Treasures and Encounter Complications for Shadowfell Encounters. Result is from Shadowfell Encounter Complications.

Enhancements by terrain - feywild | road | sea | shadowfell

[Photo by Sergio Ibannez on Unsplash]

Shadowfell Encounter Enhancements

What makes this Shadowfell encounter different?

Maybe the there is a deep pool of bubbling mud or a hedge of bloodstained thorns. A creature might be carrying dust of disappearance or a book about the Raven Queen. A spectral spirit might give warnings or a shadow crossing might provide a way to another realm.

There is a 5e Shadowfell random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also pdf of these and other Shadowfell tables is at the DM's Guild as Shadowfell Encounters

Shadowfell Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

Shadowfell Encounter Tables - creatures | locations | non-combat | enhancements

Shadowfell Encounter Combat Terrain

1d8+1d12Shadowfell Encounter Combat
2 A tree with a grinning skeleton hanging from it
3 A cloud of distracting flies or a skeletal stone statue
4 Stone steps down into a hole
5 An area of pus and ichor (as Slippery Ice - DMG pg 105)
6 A hut carved from a big skull
7 An overturned black coach or an area of thick webs (DMG pg 105)
8 A deep pool of bubbling mud
9 An area of jagged broken glass (difficult terrain)
10 An abandoned stone hut with no roof or a bridge made of chains
11 A mist of moaning ghostly faces
12 Spiked metal railings or an area of squelchy mud (difficult terrain)
13 A pile of broken tombstones (or rusty weapons)
14 A slope covered in sticky gray goo or a large hole blocked by webbing (DMG pg 105)
15 An area of grasping chains (as entangle spell)
16 A hedge of bloodstained thorns or an area of Desecrated Ground
17 Two freshly dug holes with coffins beside them.
18 A driverless stationary wagon, with skeletal horses
19 An area of quicksand (DMG pg 105) lined with skeletal arms
20 A hidden cache (Perception check to spot if near) with a bead of force (or roll on Minor Shadowfell Treasures)

Shadowfell Encounter Minor Treasures

1d20Shadowfell Encounter Minor Treasures
2 A mask with a ghostly visage, studded with opals. Worth 1000 gp
3 Bead of Force or Potion of Clairvoyance
4 1d3 gray agates (worth 500 gp each). Cause any carrying them nightmares of hags and fiends.
5 Dust of Disappearance or Dust of Sneezing and Choking (cursed)
6 1d2 vials of assassin's blood (DMG pg 257)
7 A holy symbol on a silver chain with continual flame
8 A clockwork black coach with by tiny ghostly horses. Worth 150 gp
9 Scroll of Protection - Undead (or Aberrations)
10 1d3 flasks of holy water or a poisoner's kit
11 1d4 Potions of Necrotic Resistance or Potion of Poison
12 A book in elven that tells of the Raven Queen and her servants.
13 Spell Scroll of calm emotions (or magic circle)
14 1d4 flasks of alchemist's fire
15 Elixir of Health or Potion of Mind Reading
16 A necklace made of bronze ravens. Worth 250 gp
17 Spell Scroll of dream (or sunbeam)
18 A cat figurine carved from obsidian that pulls gently towards the nearest Shadowfell Crossing
19 Oil of Etherealnes or Potion of Invisibility
20 1 vial of midnight tears (DMG pg 257) or 1d3 vials of burnt other fumes

Shadowfell Encounter Complications

1d8+1d12Shadowfell Encounter Complications
2 The area is slowly collapsing into a large pit (or a bag of devouring)
3 There is a crossing here to another realm. An area of darkness (or roll on Shadowfell Crossings)
4 There are giant bats here (or nearby) as pets (or guards). For alternatives roll on Shadowfell Beasts
5 There are stone steps down into a hole or roll on Shadowfell Combat Terrain
6 There is a hidden item (or cache) here. A scroll of protection - undead or roll on Minor Shadowfell Treasures
7 There is a hut carved from a big skull or roll on Shadowfell Combat Terrain
8 There is a prisoner in the encounter or a lone traveler nearby. Roll on Quick Shadowfell NPCs
9 There is a pile of broken tombstones or roll on Shadowfell Combat Terrain
10 There is a hallucinatory terrain disguising a pool of thick black mud
11 The area is Desecrated Ground (DMG pg 110) and there are undead here (or close by) - Roll on an Undead Encounter table.
12 There is a harmless spectral spirit here. It tries to warn people (or give advice to them)
13 There is thunder and thick fog or roll on Shadowfell Hazards and Obstacles
14 The creatures are carrying a magic item (or it is hidden nearby). Roll on Magic Items - Shadowfell
15 There is an abandoned wagon piled high with coffins or roll on Shadowfell Hazards & Obstacles
16 There is a programmed illusion (or Mordenkainen's magical mansion) here
17 There is an area of noxious mist (treat as stinking cloud) or roll on Shadowfell Hazards and Obstacles
18 Nearby is a death tyrant (or pick from Shadowfell Encounters Level 11+) those encountered try not to disturb.
19 There is a hole (or cave entrance) blocked by thick webs here. It leads to a place safe to rest.
20 There are several ravens (or swarm of ravens) here watching for another power

More Encounter Tables

There is a 5e Shadowfell random encounter generator at ChaosGen. And also pdf of these and other Shadowfell tables is at the DM's Guild as Shadowfell Encounters

Shadowfell Encounters Random Tables on DM's Guild Unusual Encounters Bundle on DM's Guild

If you liked these there are D&D Generators at Chaos Gen, a monthly random tools Newsletter and an instagram of Random Tables.